Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Car Accident

Fry | Goehring successfully helps the injured recover the compensation they deserve.

Settlement over twenty times the prior offer
We filed a law-suit, and shortly thereafter we obtained a settlement over twenty times the prior offer.
A driver that was illegally taking opioids
Our Firm helped a gentleman that was hit by a driver that was illegally taking opioids, which affected his driving. This caused serious injuries to our client. We had multiple depositions, worked with a toxicologist and other experts, and were ultimately able to obtain a very large, and confidential settlement, for our very deserving client.
Five times the initial offer
We received a referral case from another attorney. It was a hit and run case with a low offer, which is common for these types of cases. After our firm filed suit, we were able to take the case to mediation and settled for 5 times the initial offer.
Five times the initial offer
Following mediation, the insurance company ended up agreeing to pay 2.5 times the amount of its prior statutory offer of settlement to resolve the case and avoid a jury trial.
Recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount
We represented a very nice Hispanic lady that was severely injured when a thermos she was carrying blew up causing her eye damage. We spent significant time and resources on this case, and working with another Firm, recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount. Our client and her family were thrilled that we took the time, and the risk, to assist in this very serious matter.
Settlement over six times the previous offer
We recently represented a man that was bitten by a dog, that was not on a leash and not restrained as required by the applicable laws and ordinances. The initial offer to this gentleman did not even cover his medical bills. Our firm took over his case, and we secured a settlement of over six times the previous offer. We were happy to secure a great settlement for one of many dog bites cases that we handle every year.

Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Georgia


Like any other state, Georgia has a lot of traffic on its roads. The fact that so many cars share the same space makes accidents common. Amid these unforeseen events, Fry | Goehring, as dedicated personal injury attorneys, stands ready to offer invaluable insights into the most common types of car accidents occurring within the state. So, if you are wondering, “What is the most common type of car accident in Georgia?” you are in the right place.


Through compassionate community engagement and top-notch legal representation, Fry | Goehring strives to go above and beyond the essential duties of legal counsel. By ensuring that injured victims learn about the common types of auto wrecks, our legal team considers it our responsibility to provide our clients with top-tier legal counsel after horrific car accidents. In this spirit, we extend our dedication to going above and beyond for injured victims and their families as they seek justice for the reckless and negligent actions of at-fault drivers.


For those involved in car accidents, grappling with the complexities of the legal process can feel profoundly overwhelming. Not only do we provide legal representation at Fry | Goehring, but we also work as your partners to help you comprehend the nuances of typical car accident situations so that you can make wise decisions.


Call us now at ​​404-969-1284 to discuss your car accident case with our experienced attorneys. We are here to help.


An Overview of Car Accidents in Georgia

Unfortunately, the varied scenery across Georgia, featuring diverse terrains, busy urban areas, and frequently used roadways, shapes a unique setting for different types of car accidents.


This diversity in geography and infrastructure offers scenic views and poses specific challenges to motorists. To guarantee the safety of all road users, it is essential to comprehend the most common types of car accidents that tend to arise in Atlanta and throughout Georgia and how to minimize them.


You can learn to navigate Georgia’s roadways more safely and responsibly by gaining insights into these prevalent accident types. The skill to foresee potential threats and foreseeable accident situations becomes an invaluable ability for motorists, regardless of whether they are everyday commuters, long-haul truckers, or occasional visitors.


Through a comprehensive examination of the most frequent car accident types in Georgia, the following sections seek to shed light on the factors that contribute to these incidents and offer guidance on how to avoid them whenever possible. If you have been involved in any of these types of passenger car crashes, contact our Atlanta personal injury lawyers immediately for legal advice.


Here are some of the most common types of car accidents in Georgia.


1. Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions in Georgia represent one of the most common types of car accidents. These accidents occur when one vehicle, often traveling behind another, collides with the rear end of the leading vehicle. The impacts of rear-end crashes may severely affect accident victims and lead to back and neck injuries, even though these accidents often appear minor.


Visual, cognitive, and manual distractions are some of the common causes of rear-end collisions. Distracted motorists who divert their focus from the roadway, whether texting, changing the playlist, or talking on their phone, risk being unable to respond quickly enough should vehicles unexpectedly decelerate or come to a complete stop.


Tailgating, another frequent contributor to rear-end accidents, arises when a driver follows too closely behind the vehicle in front. This reduces the reaction time to stop safely, especially when the leading vehicle suddenly brakes.


Unexpected stops, whether from traffic or obstacles in the road, tend to catch drivers off guard and increase the likelihood of accidents in which following vehicles fail to apply their brakes in time, increasing the risk of collision.


The impact force in rear-end collisions can correlate strongly with a diverse range of potential injuries, from relatively mild whiplash to considerably more grave spinal trauma, as the power behind the crash significantly influences the degree of harm sustained. Maintaining proper following distances, staying focused, and practicing defensive driving are essential to reducing the risk of rear-end collisions on Georgia’s roads.


2. Intersection Crashes

In the intricate web of Georgia’s roadways, intersections emerge as high-risk zones where vehicles converge, making intersection crashes a notable type of car accident. These incidents occur when drivers fail to adhere to intersection traffic rules, often resulting in dire consequences.


Failure to yield to the right of way ranks among the primary causes of intersection crashes. Drivers should always yield the right of way to those who rightfully deserve to use the road to avoid accidents. Such accidents often happen when drivers ignore pedestrians and cyclists crossing intersections.


Running red lights and disregarding stop signs are additional frequent contributors to intersection crashes. Unfortunately, these actions may result in catastrophic T-bone collisions when a vehicle crosses directly into the path of another, crashing into its side. The results are often severe and may result in injuries or even wrongful deaths.


To enhance safety at intersections in Georgia, drivers must exercise caution, obey traffic signals and signs, and always yield when required to prevent these potentially devastating accidents.


3. Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions are the most common car accidents on Georgia’s roadways. Tragically, crashes between two vehicles traveling toward each other frequently lead to catastrophic outcomes.


The powerful forces generated during impact between two vehicles traveling at high speeds in opposite directions largely explain the severity of head-on collisions. The combined rate of both cars is channeled into the crash, magnifying its destructive potential. Such high-energy collisions frequently result in severe injuries or, tragically, fatalities.


Various underlying aspects interdependently lead to head-on collisions. Wrong-way driving, when a motorist mistakenly travels down a roadway in opposition to designated traffic patterns, provides a typical instance of how head-on collisions happen in Georgia. Additionally, impaired driving, often involving alcohol or drugs, can impair judgment and lead to disastrous accidents. Passing on two-lane roads, particularly when visibility is limited, is another common cause.

By dutifully obeying traffic regulations, keeping vigilant awareness, and practicing care on journeys, all road users can significantly reduce the risks of head-on accidents when traveling on Georgia roads.


4. Single-Vehicle Crashes

Dangers such as exceeding posted speed limits, careless driving, poor road conditions, unexpected hazards, and bad weather may lead to crashes involving only one vehicle. Single-car accidents may force a driver to lose control, leave the road, or even roll over. When drivers don’t pay attention to the road, they increase their risk of being involved in a single-car wreck.


Fatigue, drowsy driving, and driving under the influence may also lead to these accidents.


5. Side-Impact (T-Bone) Collisions

Side collisions, or T-bone crashes, may occur when one vehicle perpendicularly strikes another’s side. While intersections are frequent sites for such collisions that significantly injure occupants within the vehicle receiving the force of impact, precautions such as obeying traffic lights and stop signs can help curb dangers at these junctions.


6. Rollover Accidents

A rollover accident happens when a vehicle loses control and tips over onto its roof or side. An external force or energy displacement typically causes a vehicle to topple over in these types of accidents. Some of the factors that cause rollover accidents include:


  • Sharp turns
  • High winds
  • Overloaded or improperly secured cargo
  • Steep inclines
  • Speeding


It’s important to understand that any vehicle can roll over. However, given their higher centers of gravity, SUVs, vans, and trucks are more susceptible to rollovers. Regrettably, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) attributes driver error (78%) as the leading cause of rollovers. FMCSA urges drivers to remain alert while on the road, avoid sudden movements, and control their speeds to prevent rollover accidents.


7. Sideswipe Accidents

These common types of car accidents in Georgia happen when two or more vehicles traveling parallel to each other strike one another on the side. Drivers who fail to check blindspots when changing or merging lanes risk causing sideswipe accidents. When these accidents happen, both vehicles may lose control and veer into oncoming traffic, risking the lives of other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.


Steps To Take After a Car Accident in Georgia

These common types of car accidents in Georgia happen when two or more vehicles traveling parallel to each other strike one another on the side. Drivers who fail to check blindspots when changing or merging lanes risk causing sideswipe accidents. When these accidents happen, both vehicles may lose control and veer into oncoming traffic, risking the lives of other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.


Steps To Take After a Car Accident in Georgia


If you or your loved one have suffered injuries due to any of the above common types of car accidents, here are crucial steps to take to strengthen your personal injury claim:


  1. Don’t leave the scene of the accident
  2. Check for injuries and make sure everyone else is okay
  3. Move your vehicle to a safe location
  4. Contact the police by calling 911
  5. Seek medical attention as soon as first responders arrive
  6. Take photos and videos of the accident scene
  7. Exchange information with involved parties, including witnesses
  8. Notify your insurance provider
  9. Contact the experienced Atlanta car accident lawyers at Fry | Goehring


You should never admit fault after an accident, nor should you reveal your policy limits to other involved parties. Contact Fry | Goehring soon after your accident for our legal team to start the claims process as we deal with the at-fault party’s insurance representatives.


Consult Our Experienced Attorneys After a Car Accident in Georgia

Driving on Georgia roads can be challenging, as different types of car accidents occur every day. As car accident attorneys in Atlanta, Fry | Goehring is here to help you navigate these unfortunate situations. Our Georgia injury lawyers understand that communication and constant contact are essential when dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, and we have expert legal knowledge and experience to handle such claims.


Call us today at 404-969-1284 or book your case consultation by filling out our contact form. Our Atlanta car accident lawyers will help you at every step of the claims process, ensuring you receive maximum compensation for your injuries and damages.

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Michael Nelson
Good Law Firm in Helping You No Matter What
Darlene Mack
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Claudia Barret

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