Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Car Accident

Fry | Goehring successfully helps the injured recover the compensation they deserve.

Settlement over twenty times the prior offer
We filed a law-suit, and shortly thereafter we obtained a settlement over twenty times the prior offer.
A driver that was illegally taking opioids
Our Firm helped a gentleman that was hit by a driver that was illegally taking opioids, which affected his driving. This caused serious injuries to our client. We had multiple depositions, worked with a toxicologist and other experts, and were ultimately able to obtain a very large, and confidential settlement, for our very deserving client.
Five times the initial offer
We received a referral case from another attorney. It was a hit and run case with a low offer, which is common for these types of cases. After our firm filed suit, we were able to take the case to mediation and settled for 5 times the initial offer.
Five times the initial offer
Following mediation, the insurance company ended up agreeing to pay 2.5 times the amount of its prior statutory offer of settlement to resolve the case and avoid a jury trial.
Recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount
We represented a very nice Hispanic lady that was severely injured when a thermos she was carrying blew up causing her eye damage. We spent significant time and resources on this case, and working with another Firm, recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount. Our client and her family were thrilled that we took the time, and the risk, to assist in this very serious matter.
Settlement over six times the previous offer
We recently represented a man that was bitten by a dog, that was not on a leash and not restrained as required by the applicable laws and ordinances. The initial offer to this gentleman did not even cover his medical bills. Our firm took over his case, and we secured a settlement of over six times the previous offer. We were happy to secure a great settlement for one of many dog bites cases that we handle every year.

Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney


Each year, preventable crashes injure and claim the lives of Georgians throughout the state. Regrettably, there were 390,860 reported accidents in Georgia in 2021, with 8,654 people suffering serious injuries and 1,797 losing their lives. Car accidents typically occur because of negligent behavior, and they cause heartbreak and anguish for people affected by them.


Getting hurt in a serious car accident is a scary and traumatizing experience, and it’s even worse if the other driver flees from the accident scene. You may feel lost, confused, and unsure of what to do next. You may have suffered severe injuries and may never be able to work again. The medical bills may be piling up, and without a responsible party to hold accountable, it may seem like all is lost.


At Fry | Goehring, we are 100% committed to helping accident victims injured by the negligence of others recover. We give your case the attention it deserves, no matter how difficult. For decades, our legal team has been fighting for the rights of victims of auto accidents in Atlanta, winning settlements and verdicts totaling millions of dollars.


We hold drivers accountable for causing accidents in Georgia and fleeing the scene. Our Atlanta hit-and-run accident lawyers are skilled and fearless litigators, preparing all hit-and-run accident claims to get the maximum compensation possible.


Call Fry | Goehring at 404-969-1284 today for a free initial consultation.


Common Reasons Why Some Drivers Flee From an Accident Scene

In Georgia, individuals involved in a crash that results in injuries or property damage are legally required to remain at the accident scene. Even so, sometimes — though leaving an auto accident scene is illegal — the temptation to flee is too great for some people, and some drivers remain undeterred. There are several reasons drivers flee the scene of an accident, including:


  • Panic
  • Fear of consequences
  • Driving under the influence
  • Driving an uninsured or underinsured vehicle
  • Driving with a suspended or invalid driver’s license
  • Probation or criminal record
  • Outstanding warrant


Regardless of the cause of the collision, you have legal options if you suffer injuries in a collision with another driver who hits you and then drives away. Keep in mind that there are no good reasons to hit and run. Contact Fry | Goehring and let our experienced legal team help.


Steps To Take Immediately After a Hit-and-Run Accident

It is easy to feel helpless if a driver hits you and then speeds away. But there are steps you can take early on that could make it easier to find unidentified drivers after an accident and set up your Atlanta hit-and-run claim for success, including:


1. Stay at the Scene

Do not chase after the reckless driver or risk trying to detain them. You should not go up against them by yourself since they could be dangerous and unpredictable.


2. Report the Incident to the Police Immediately

Call 911 immediately since the police can play a crucial role in identifying and locating the at-fault driver. Make sure you provide as many details as you remember to the responding officers. This could help law enforcement officials locate the other driver.


3. Document the Scene

Be prepared to give the police as much information as possible after the crash. For this reason, use your phone to take photos, notes, and videos of the scene. Document anything that can help establish the other driver’s fault for the accident and anything that might help track them down, including the other vehicle’s license number and description or the other driver’s description if you did not get the license number.


4. Talk to Witnesses

Talk to anyone who may have witnessed the accident and find out what they can share regarding the accident. Get their contact information and request that they talk to the police. They might have seen or recorded details about the other vehicle and driver you missed. Also, consider the possibility that nearby homes or businesses may have surveillance footage of the accident.


5. Seek Medical Attention

Remain at the scene until emergency services arrive if you or others involved suffered injuries or if anyone tragically lost their life. In addition to receiving emergency treatment at the scene, visit a doctor within 24 hours of the accident. The sooner a doctor evaluates your injuries, the better. Remember to keep an injury log of your treatment and medical expenses. This will ensure that no injuries are overlooked, including whiplash and spinal cord injuries that may manifest after some time has passed.


6. Report the Crash to Your Insurer

Ideally, you should notify your insurance company about the accident after consulting with an Atlanta personal injury lawyer. However, do not delay reporting the crash. Your insurance policy has a deadline for reporting car accidents, typically 30–60 days from the accident date.


7. Call an Atlanta Hit-and-Run Attorney

Next, consult with an experienced hit-and-run accident attorney. Fry | Goehring is here to help with any Atlanta hit-and-run accident claims. We have the skills and experience to handle your personal injury case and fight for the best possible outcome.


Reporting a Hit-and-Run Accident

If you have been injured or someone you love was killed in a hit-and-run accident in Atlanta, it’s imperative that you report the accident to the police immediately by calling 911. In addition to reporting the accident, get a copy of the police report from the Atlanta Police Department or via BuyCrash. You will need this report when filing an insurance claim or a hit-and-run lawsuit against the at-fault driver and their insurer.


How Georgia Laws Protect Hit-and-Run Accident Victims

Georgia law requires that any driver involved in an auto accident share their contact and insurance information, including their name, address, and vehicle registration information, with the other party. If anyone was injured during the accident, the other driver has a legal obligation to render reasonable first aid to any person injured until help arrives.


If a driver flees the scene of an accident, they violate Georgia Code § 40-6-270. Once tracked down, they may face a mandatory license suspension, vehicle seizure, and criminal penalties.


Leaving an accident scene involving injuries or death carries the following criminal penalties:


  • If the accident resulted in property damage but nobody was seriously injured. Upon conviction, the at-fault driver shall be fined no less than $300 and no more than $1,000, or incarcerated for up to 12 months, or both. For a second offense, a fine of at least $600, up to $1,000, and/or incarceration for up to one year. For a third offense, a fine of at least $1,000 and/or incarceration of up to 12 months.
  • If another person was seriously injured or passed on because of the crash, this is considered a felony hit-and-run. Upon conviction, the at-fault driver shall face incarceration for at least 12 months but not more than five years.


Victims of hit-and-run accidents and their loved ones might get closure knowing that the person who hurt them will face criminal penalties if apprehended. Nevertheless, the financial hardships resulting from your injuries are still a significant concern.

Getting Legal Help To Investigate the Crash and Find the Responsible Party


Since hit-and-run accidents are illegal in Atlanta, these incidents typically trigger official investigations by law enforcement. However, if you are a victim of such an unfortunate incident, there is a silver lining for you. Using their expertise and resources, law enforcement officers can diligently investigate and trace the hit-and-run driver, ensuring accountability for their actions far more effectively than an individual could. This can significantly improve your chances of receiving the rightful compensation for the harm and losses you’ve experienced.


To help that investigation and to prove the other driver’s negligence, our Atlanta hit-and-run attorneys will launch an independent investigation. We usually start by listening to your version of events and reviewing the evidence you may have collected to get a general idea of what transpired.


Next, we visit the accident scene and look for other possible sources of evidence. Some of the evidence our legal team will be looking for includes:


  • Video footage of the accident from nearby homes and businesses
  • Driver and vehicle description and license plate number gathered by witnesses
  • Witness statements and testimony
  • Photographs of the scene and your injuries
  • Reports from expert witnesses
  • Chemical blood alcohol test results
  • Reports of DUI charges
  • Police reports
  • Medical records


While hit-and-run incidents involving criminal charges in Georgia can lead to fines and even jail or prison time for the responsible party, these criminal proceedings do not automatically compensate those who have suffered injuries. To recover damages for losses such as medical expenses or lost wages, you must pursue a civil claim for personal injury. This legal step is crucial when seeking the compensation you and your family need to recover and move forward from the unfortunate incident.


Don’t let a hit-and-run driver leave you with medical bills and emotional trauma after the accident. Instead of attempting to navigate the complex hit-and-run investigation process on your own, seek assistance from our compassionate and dedicated personal injury attorneys in Atlanta.


Seeking Compensation After a Hit-and-Run Accident

People who get hurt or lose their loved ones in hit-and-run accidents in Atlanta face a devastating reality: they may never obtain the justice and compensation they deserve.


The road toward compensation following an accident is often more complex and poses unique challenges than typical car accidents, especially when unidentified drivers are responsible. After all, if the at-fault driver is not found, there’s no way to know whether they are insured, let alone file a third-party car accident claim with their insurance company.


So, what are your legal options for seeking compensation after a hit-and-run accident?


Understandably, you’ll be worried about your ability to secure fair compensation for car repairs, medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Fortunately, not all hope is lost. There are several options to obtain the compensation you deserve after a hit-and-run crash.


When the Driver Is Identified, File a Civil Lawsuit Against the At-Fault Driver

If the driver who hit you and left the accident scene is identified, our Atlanta hit-and-run accident attorneys can pursue a standard insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit against the hit-and-run driver if they have valid coverage. If the at-fault driver has other assets, we can help you take legal action against the driver and seek compensation for every loss you suffered because of your hit-and-run injuries.


When the Driver Is Not Identified, File With Your Own Insurance Company

Having adequate insurance is the best option for recovering losses after a hit-and-run accident in Atlanta. When the at-fault driver lacks insurance, can’t be identified, or is never apprehended, you can fall back on your own auto insurance policy if you carry underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. That puts you in an adversarial role with your insurance company, which will likely have a team of attorneys whose sole purpose is to protect the insurance company’s bottom line.


Don’t take on this task without a skilled auto accident lawyer in your corner. Our trial-ready hit-and-run attorneys can offer you the guidance and support to navigate the strenuous insurance process and legal system and fight for maximum recovery.


Damages You Could Recover After an Atlanta Hit-and-Run Accident

At Fry | Goehring, we help people in Atlanta and throughout Georgia who have been hurt in crashes involving drivers who fled the scene. We pursue hit-and-run accident claims in different types of car accidents, including:



Our seasoned car accident attorneys can help you understand and explore all sources of financial compensation to recover the damages you deserve. Some common types of damages that we help our clients recover in Atlanta hit-and-run accident claims include:


  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages from missing work due to injuries
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Mental anguish


If you’ve suffered injuries from the accident, it’s natural to be concerned about managing costly medical expenses, potential loss of wages due to time away from work during recovery, and the financial burden of repairing or replacing your damaged property. This can be a shattering experience, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to navigate the aftermath of a hit-and-run accident by yourself.


The legal team at Fry | Goehring is dedicated to helping injured victims secure the maximum possible compensation. Whether you were biking, walking, or driving, we will protect your interests and make sure you get the full and fair compensation you need to recover.


Time Limit to File a Claim for a Hit-and-Run Accident in Atlanta

In Georgia, hit-and-run accident victims must be aware of the time limit, also known as the statute of limitations, within which they must file a hit-and-run accident claim. Typically, this time frame is two years from the accident date.


That said, there are scenarios where this deadline could be considerably shorter. If you’ve experienced injuries in a hit-and-run incident, contacting our Atlanta personal injury attorney promptly is essential. The longer you wait to take action after the crash, the more challenging it can be to effectively manage and pursue the justice and compensation you deserve. Remember, time is of the essence in ensuring your right to seek compensation for the losses you’ve endured.


Cost of Hiring Legal Representation After a Hit-and-Run Accident in Atlanta

When it comes to considering the assistance of a lawyer after a hit-and-run accident, you might understandably have worries about the associated costs. Hourly rates, often depicted in TV shows and movies, can be a source of concern for many hit-and-run accident victims.


Our Atlanta hit-and-run accident attorneys charge absolutely nothing upfront. Instead, we take your case on a contingency fee basis. Simply put, you pay nothing unless we win your case. This means you never have to worry about expenses related to the insurance claim or lawsuit, including the expense of gathering records, locating witnesses, finding evidence, and expert witness fees. Our Atlanta law firm will cover all these fees, and you will only pay if and when we win.


You can count on our personal injury attorneys to invest their time, attention, talent, and resources in fighting for your maximum possible recovery because their fees rely on winning your case.


Get Sound Legal Help and Representation From Our Experienced Hit-and-Run Attorneys

Hit-and-run accidents can be incredibly overwhelming. With the help of our Atlanta car accident attorneys at Fry | Goehring, you can take back control of your circumstances and future after sustaining injuries or losing a loved one in a hit-and-run accident.


Our legal team is here to ensure you understand your legal rights and options going forward. We will help you determine the best course of action after a hit-and-run accident and fight to obtain the maximum possible compensation for your injuries and losses. We never stop fighting for our client’s interests. For every case we successfully resolve, an injured victim and their family obtain financial support to rebuild their lives. This is why our attorneys handle every case meticulously and aggressively.


If you or a loved one were struck by a driver who drove off, you deserve justice. The recovery process begins with a phone call. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our Atlanta firm, contact us at 404-969-1284.

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Friendly and Professional
Michael Nelson
Good Law Firm in Helping You No Matter What
Darlene Mack
Extremely Helpful and Quick
Claudia Barret

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