Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Car Accident

Fry | Goehring successfully helps the injured recover the compensation they deserve.

Settlement over twenty times the prior offer
We filed a law-suit, and shortly thereafter we obtained a settlement over twenty times the prior offer.
A driver that was illegally taking opioids
Our Firm helped a gentleman that was hit by a driver that was illegally taking opioids, which affected his driving. This caused serious injuries to our client. We had multiple depositions, worked with a toxicologist and other experts, and were ultimately able to obtain a very large, and confidential settlement, for our very deserving client.
Five times the initial offer
We received a referral case from another attorney. It was a hit and run case with a low offer, which is common for these types of cases. After our firm filed suit, we were able to take the case to mediation and settled for 5 times the initial offer.
Five times the initial offer
Following mediation, the insurance company ended up agreeing to pay 2.5 times the amount of its prior statutory offer of settlement to resolve the case and avoid a jury trial.
Recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount
We represented a very nice Hispanic lady that was severely injured when a thermos she was carrying blew up causing her eye damage. We spent significant time and resources on this case, and working with another Firm, recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount. Our client and her family were thrilled that we took the time, and the risk, to assist in this very serious matter.
Settlement over six times the previous offer
We recently represented a man that was bitten by a dog, that was not on a leash and not restrained as required by the applicable laws and ordinances. The initial offer to this gentleman did not even cover his medical bills. Our firm took over his case, and we secured a settlement of over six times the previous offer. We were happy to secure a great settlement for one of many dog bites cases that we handle every year.

Most Common Causes of Car Accidents


Car accidents can happen anytime and anywhere, especially in Atlanta.


Atlanta is one of the U.S. cities with the highest population growth, with approximately 499,127 residents. Many more people use the I-85 and I-75 highways to go to the city for employment, school, and leisure. It is hardly surprising that car accidents occur often in this state.


As personal injury trial attorneys in Atlanta deeply committed to our community’s well-being, Fry | Goehring recognizes the critical significance of being well-versed in the prevalent causes of these accidents. Here, we’ll comprehensively explore the factors contributing to accidents on Atlanta’s busy roads and highways.


Distracted driving has become a widespread problem in the modern world, especially with the prevalence of smartphones and other electronic devices, regrettably claiming 3,522 lives across the U.S. in 2021. This dangerous behavior, which diverts attention from the road, now accounts for a substantial percentage of accidents within Atlanta.


Given the complexity of traffic safety, issues like driving under the influence, reckless behaviors, adverse conditions, and the inexperience of youth drivers, the car accident lawyers at Fry | Goehring will explore the multifaceted challenges of ensuring roadways are shared responsibly. We aim to shed light on these issues to enhance awareness and promote safety in Georgia. By understanding these common causes of car accidents, we can collectively work towards reducing accidents and ensuring the well-being of everyone on Atlanta’s roads.


So, if you or your loved one has been injured in a road wreck, contact us now to discuss your legal options. But first, let’s find out the most common causes of car accidents in Georgia.


1. Distracted Driving

Distracted driving significantly contributes to car accidents in Atlanta, much like in other regions in the U.S. This issue has become significantly aggravated due to using smartphones and other digital devices. With today’s abundance of attention-grabbing technologies so close at hand, it has become all too easy for drivers to forget their foremost duty of vigilantly focusing on the road in front of them, choosing instead to occupy themselves with messaging, calling, or immersed engagement on apps that endanger their lives as well as the lives of others on the road.


This is why Georgia enacted the “hands-free” law in 2018, prohibiting drivers from using cell phones while on the road.


Unfortunately, statistics continue to implicate distracted operation of cars as one of the most common causes of car accidents in Atlanta. The allure of modern technology, while enhancing our connectivity, has unexpectedly amplified the risks associated with distracted driving.


To mitigate this issue, individuals must prioritize driving attentively and responsibly. This means avoiding distractions, especially those related to electronic devices. By doing so, we can collectively contribute to safer roads and fewer accidents in the Atlanta community, ultimately protecting lives and preventing injuries on our streets.


2. Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a hazardous and prohibited behavior that often leads to tragic consequences. This is another common cause of car accidents, and despite severe rules and penalties, some individuals persist in making the thoughtless choice of taking control while compromised. At Fry | Goehring, our car accident lawyers have seen the devastating results of encounters under the sway, and we won’t hesitate to take your case to fight on your behalf if another driver’s negligence leads to your catastrophic injuries or the loss of your loved one.


3. Speeding and Reckless Driving

Speeding and reckless driving are common causes of car accidents in Atlanta. Regrettably, certain motorists often disregard explicitly designated speed constraints and engage in risky practices involving tailgating or abruptly changing lanes without caution. These actions considerably increase the likelihood of accidents, often resulting in severe injuries and extensive property damage.


By violating speed restrictions or driving carelessly, one endangers their well-being and places the security of all others using the same road at risk. Georgia statutes define excessive speed as a misdemeanor. Though the offense is not severe, the consequences allow for a penalty involving 12 months of imprisonment and/or a $1,000 fine.


Should you or a loved one suffer injuries due to the reckless actions of a reckless or negligent driver, you can feel confident that our dedicated legal team in Atlanta stands ready to offer sound legal help. Our personal injury lawyers fully comprehend the immense physical, emotional, and financial toll such unfortunate events can exert on victims and their cherished relationships.


Fry | Goehring vows to seek justice and ensure those responsible for such thoughtless actions are held accountable. We are also not afraid to take your case to trial. While facing the legal fallout from such trauma can feel isolating, please know that you need not weather this storm alone, as our legal team is here to walk you through each step of the process, helping ensure you receive the justice and compensation to which you are rightly entitled.


4. Adverse Weather Conditions

The city of Atlanta experiences highly variable weather throughout the year, in which irregular rain and slippery conditions occur during periods of heavy precipitation. These adverse weather conditions can make roads slippery and reduce visibility, leading to accidents.


Drivers must adjust their driving habits during inclement weather and maintain safe speeds. Rain can affect a driver’s vision, especially during a heavy downpour. If you try to use your headlights, the light often reflects off the rain, risking to blind you. Heavy rains can compromise a driver’s skill to maneuver their vehicle judiciously, attributable to diminished perceptibility and lessened adherence on water-logged street surfaces.


A prime example would be your car hydroplaning when accumulating moisture develops beneath the wheels, lifting the car off the road and compromising its grip. When a car hydroplanes, it can go in any different direction, and the driver is helpless to stop it.


5. Running Red Lights and Stop Signs

Adherence to road rules that govern traffic flow through signals is, unfortunately, a persistent source of crashes in Atlanta. Running red lights and stop signs can lead to dangerous T-bone collisions and intersection accidents. Traffic violations that frequently lead to severe injuries or loss of life reinforce the urgent need for every driver to strictly abide by transit regulations.


6. Driving while Fatigued

Fatigued drivers often find it hard to concentrate and respond promptly to hazards. Drowsy driving is a significant concern, especially for those who have long commutes or work irregular hours. Should fatigue strike while driving, stopping at the roadside and recuperating before carrying on with one’s travels is imperative.


7. Inexperienced Drivers

Inexperienced and young drivers often need more skills and judgment to navigate complex traffic situations. They may need to correct errors such as misjudging stopping distances or failing to yield the right of way. Such actions or failures to act may endanger other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycle riders, leading to devastating road accidents.


The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Atlanta: Call Us Now To Discuss Your Legal Options

The potentially irreparable damage that car accidents in Atlanta can inflict upon victims and their loved ones’ lives through profound and lasting suffering and trauma emphasizes the devastating consequences these incidents carry. As auto accident attorneys in Atlanta, our legal team understands the importance of holding negligent drivers accountable. Communication and constant contact are key to ensuring your personal injury case receives the attention it deserves.


Should you or a dear one have become involved in a car accident owing to another’s carelessness, don’t hesitate to contact our seasoned counsel immediately. Our goal in meeting with you is to explore potential avenues for obtaining compensation and redressing the injuries and damages you have unfortunately suffered.


Call us today at 404-969-1284 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation with our Atlanta car accident lawyers. Let Fry | Goehring fight for your rights.

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Friendly and Professional
Michael Nelson
Good Law Firm in Helping You No Matter What
Darlene Mack
Extremely Helpful and Quick
Claudia Barret

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