Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

I-75: One of Georgia’s Most Dangerous Interstates

By: Fry | Goehring


Living in Georgia presents its own set of driving challenges. Georgia, like many other states in the U.S., is home to hundreds of car accidents that result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities every year. In a recent report, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) cited motor vehicle crashes as the second-leading cause of emergency room visits and hospitalizations in Georgia in 2020. DPH also cited auto wrecks as the second-leading cause of injury deaths in the state and the fourth-greatest number of traffic fatalities in the nation — 1,664 deaths.

Georgia is home to some of the most dangerous interstates in the country, such as Interstate 75. Interstate 75, also known as I-75, is a major highway in the U.S. that passes through six states, including Georgia. I-75 starts at interchanges SR 826 and SR 924 in suburban Miami, Florida, ending up in Michigan at the Sault Ste. Marie border crossing.

In Georgia, I-75 travels north-south in the central part of the state, passing through the cities of Atlanta, Valdosta, and Macon. Established in 1926, I-75 is the longest interstate highway in Georgia, with a length of approximately 355 miles.

If you live in Georgia, you are no stranger to dangerous interstates. Even though the Georgia Department of Transportation and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety are doing their best to make roads safer for Georgia residents, accidents are still bound to happen on our highways. Regrettably, most of these Georgia car accidents occur on the same highways over and over again, with I-75 being a primary culprit.

Unraveling I-75’s Tragic Toll

With over 7.6 million registered drivers in Georgia, car accidents on I-75 happen daily in the Peach State. I-75 accidents, ranging from pedestrian accidents and motorcycle crashes to horrific truck wrecks, can result in catastrophic injuries and significant financial losses for injured victims. Some of the recent accidents witnessed on I-75 include:

As you can see, many accidents happen on I-75, from minor fender benders to serious accidents that lead to catastrophic injuries or even deaths. Alarmingly, in 2019, approximately 237 people were killed along the entire stretch of I-75 across the country.

Why I-75 Is So Dangerous

One of the main issues that makes I-75 so dangerous for all road users in Atlanta and throughout Georgia is congestion. Since this highway links various states, people from other states use it to visit or pass through Georgia. I-75 also serves many commercial vehicles, including semis and delivery trucks, that are headed to their pickup or drop-off points.

Other factors that make I–75 so dangerous for road users in Atlanta include:

  • Poor road maintenance
  • Speeding
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Construction zones
  • Inclement weather conditions, such as rain, fog, and snow
  • Malfunctioning traffic signals
  • Heavy pedestrian or bicycle traffic
  • Intersections where two or more streets converge
  • Blind intersections with limited visibility due to parked cars or trees

Navigating the Perils of Georgia’s I-75

Interstate 75 safety begins with you and me. Some of the ways road users in Georgia can protect themselves and others against the dangers associated with using I-75 include:

  • Maintain a safe distance — don’t tailgate
  • Pay full attention to the road — don’t multitask
  • Avoid speeding
  • Take note of road signs and hazards
  • Keep right
  • Maximize your visibility — clean your windshield and turn on your headlights at night
  • Be extra alert
  • Plan ahead — don’t get on the road when road conditions or visibility are poor
  • Rest
  • Obey federal and state traffic laws

Choosing to be responsible behind the wheel is an effective way of preventing I-75 accidents and promoting Interstate 75 safety. Part of being a responsible driver in Georgia is having auto accident insurance that covers you, your passengers, your vehicle, and others if you are involved in an accident on I-75.

Can We Make I-75 Safer for All?

Yes. Residents of Georgia can make I-75 safer. The preventive measures above are some of the steps road users can take to ensure I-75 is safer for all. Still, the federal and state governments, as well as state agencies, also have a role to play in making I-75 safer for all.

Some of the solutions to make I-75 safer for all include:

  • Separating interstate highways in urban areas from bicyclists and pedestrians
  • Using traffic calming strategies in busy and densely populated areas, such as curb extensions, roundabouts, and speed humps and bumps
  • Instituting traffic safety audits by relevant federal and state agencies on solutions to make I-75 safer
  • Providing multiple transit options for Georgia residents to ease congestion on I-75
  • Moderating vehicle speeds on I-75
  • Improving public education and awareness regarding transportation and Interstate 75 safety on issues such as drunk driving, distracted driving, and the use of seat belts and helmets
  • Enforcing laws and regulations to improve traffic safety on ​dangerous interstates

With adequate funding and proper implementation of these solutions, I-75 can be much safer for all road users, including pedestrians and school-going children.

A Call for Safety on Georgia’s Most Treacherous Highway

Driving in the Peach State isn’t always safe, particularly on notoriously dangerous interstates like I-75. Now that you understand the dangers of driving on I-75, you are ready to practice safer and more responsible driving practices. However, regardless of how safe you drive, you may be unable to avoid all I-75 accidents. You can’t control the actions of other drivers on I-75.

If you were injured in a Georgia car accident on I-75 or elsewhere in Georgia and have questions regarding your claim and compensation for your medical bills and lost wages, contact Fry | Goehring. Call 404-969-1284 today to schedule your free case review with our Atlanta car accident lawyers. Get started today to learn more about your rights and legal options.