Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

How to Handle a Tractor-Trailer Accident

If you’ve been in an accident with a tractor-trailer in Georgia, it can be quite a bit more complicated than a car accident with another non-commercial car. A tractor-trailer accident can often be more serious than a typical car accident (due to the size of the truck and the cargo that the tractor-trailer might be […]

Pain Relief with Electricity

The road to recovery following an injury accident can be long and arduous. Pain relief for those injuries in the past frequently came in the form of various opioid medications. Injury victims had to weigh the side effects of pain meds and the risk of addiction against their need for pain relief. Fortunately, medical technology has provided […]

Three Tips to Help Seniors Up Their Driving Game

Seniors who have logged a lifetime of miles behind the wheel are among the safest drivers on the road. Experience counts for much as a motorist; however, with age come to some challenges to go along with that experience. 3 WAYS SENIORS CAN IMPROVE DRIVING SKILLS Safe driving requires keen hearing and eyesight and good […]

Legal Repercussions of Road Rage

Outside of NASCAR, driving in traffic is no one’s favorite activity. It frazzles nerves and causes drivers to act impatiently. That can lead to aggressive, at times even violent, behavior. Road rage incidents are a growing concern as more and more cars share our roadways. The repercussions of road rage, both legal and physical, can […]

5 Cues to Call a Lawyer

There’s a lot to deal with after an injury accident, and insurance providers know this. Unfortunately, many accident victims are further victimized, subjected to pressure to accept a quick settlement offer so they can get on with their lives. Insurance companies want to close the book on your case at minimal cost to them. If […]

Deciding Whether to Settle Out of Court

If you were to survey 100 friends and associates, probably 99 of them would tell you they’d rather get a root canal than go to court. That one friend in 100 probably likes the idea from binge-watching Law & Order. Consequently, many injury accident victims forgo their day, preferring instead to settle out of court. […]

Should Trucks Operate in Ice Storms?

Winter weather advisories caution drivers to drive carefully and to avoid getting out in the mess unless it is absolutely necessary. Whenever possible, it’s wise to heed such warnings. Driving in ice storms is always treacherous, but especially so in areas like Atlanta, where such conditions happen infrequently and drivers are unaccustomed to driving in […]

Does a Truck’s Speed Matter?

Of all the contributing factors to an accident, speed is among the most significant. How fast a vehicle is traveling has a huge bearing on not only the severity of an impact but on the ability of the driver to stop the vehicle within a safe distance. In the case of a tractor-trailer truck accident, […]

Defining Fault at Work

Most employees in the U.S. are covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act, insurance that pays for injuries in the workplace. Employers with a minimum of three employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. The law requires your employer to provide a reasonably safe work environment. If an employee is injured on the job, workers’ […]

Determining Fault in an Accident

In the state of Georgia, fault-based insurance rules apply regarding auto accidents. This means that in an automobile collision, a fault must be assigned. Someone is responsible for having caused the accident due to negligence, failure to yield right-of-way, or violation of a traffic law. Circumstances surrounding the accident may offer proof of liability. For […]