Homeowner Spring Safety Tips
We associate spring with the time of year to clean, organize, and spruce up our homes a little bit. But why not take that a step further and make sure that your home is safe for you, your family, and anyone who may visit your home in the future? Here are a few spring safety […]
Truck vs Auto: No Winner
If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident, you know how physically and mentally painful it can be to go through. Whether you received a whole host of injuries because of the crash, or your car was totaled due to the amount of damage, accidents can be tough to deal with. They can be especially […]
Don’t Forget These Car Accident Pictures
You often hear car accidents described as “it all happened so quickly.” Because we tend to not remember the exact details of a car crash, we must rely on physical evidence to give us a clue into what happened, and who might be responsible for the crash if you need to pursue legal action. Photographs are a […]
Nursing Home Abuse Hot Lines
When you have an elderly family member who is in the care of a nursing facility, you assume that they’re being taken care of properly—but unfortunately that’s not always the case. If you suspect that your loved one is being physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially abused by any of the staff at their nursing home, […]
Tips for Pedestrian Safety
According to a 2017 article on NPR, pedestrian fatalities increased 11 percent in 2016, totaling nearly 6,000. This number is alarming not only because it’s the largest single-year increase in pedestrian fatalities ever recorded, but also because we haven’t seen this many pedestrian fatalities in over two decades. A number of things are contributing to this […]
Finding The Right Rehabilitation Center
When you’ve been severely injured in an accident, your physical and occupational rehabilitation is key for you to be able to manage pain, improve stamina, learn how to do tasks again (or learn an alternative way to achieve them), and in general, get a great support team behind you. But how do you know which […]
Georgia: At Fault or No-Fault State?
Georgia holds the number four spot for licensed drivers in the country—with nearly seven million drivers on the road. With more drivers, comes more traffic and an increased opportunity for automobile accidents. These seven million licensed drivers are required by state law to carry auto insurance to cover the expense of car repairs as well […]
Hotel Safety Expectations
Whether you’re traveling for work or business, your hotel is your home away from home. No matter if you’re staying one night or 12, you expect that the management of your hotel is paying attention to safety matters both inside the rooms and out. However, if you or a family member gets injured due to […]
How Can Unpaid Medical Bills Affect Your Credit History
Medical debt is notoriously expensive and difficult to figure out. When you have a large amount of unpaid medical debt, it’s usually from an unexpected event in your life—from an automobile accident to emergency surgery to cancer treatment—and trying to pay it off in a timely manner can be a stressful experience. But what happens […]
The Symptoms of Blast Force Brain Trauma
In a matter of seconds, your life or the life of a loved one can be altered with a blast force brain trauma. A blast force brain trauma is caused by an explosion. According to brainline.org, a blast injury “feels like being hit by a wave and then being pulled back into the ocean — all […]