Parking Lot Accident Injuries
When you think of a car accident, you might picture an incident on the highway or even a city street. But many car accidents (an estimated 20%) occur in parking lots. Think about it: Parking lots can be extremely treacherous. It’s often difficult to figure out who is coming and going, some drivers take turns […]
Vehicle Recalls: How Long Do You Have to Get it Fixed?
According to the Los Angeles Times, there are about 253 million cars and trucks on U.S. roads. These cars are all various ages, sizes, makes, and models, with their drivers behind the wheel trying to make it to work and school as safely as possible. But even if drivers follow all the safety rules, ensure that […]
Personal Flotation Device Safety
A personal flotation device, such as a life jacket or a life preserver, can be a life-saving item. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, thousands of people are injured, and many die every year in boating accidents. Of those who died in boating accidents, 70% drowned—and of those who drowned, 90% were […]
What is the Stop the Bleed Program?
The unfortunate truth is that tragedy can strike at any moment. One minute, everyone is busily going about their day and the next minute there could be a severe accident or a dangerous, violent person who is harming citizens in a public area. When a tragic accident or dangerous encounter occurs, we rely on our […]
Common Slip and Fall Injuries
Slipping and falling is more than just an embarrassment—it can be deadly. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over 1 million visits to the hospital emergency room each year because of slip and fall injuries. Slip and fall injuries can be particularly hazardous for older people and are the leading cause of […]
Gas Company Liability When There’s a Leak
We always think of home as the safest place. It’s our refuge and a place where we can escape from many of the dangers of the world. However, when there’s a gas leak nearby your home—it can create a dangerous situation for you and your family. Although natural gas is odorless, gas companies typically add […]
How is a Car Determined to be Totaled After an Accident?
The day you buy your car at the dealership is a happy one. There’s a good chance you even took a picture of yourself smiling in front of your car before you drove it off the lot. On that day you signed your lease or purchase agreement, it’s likely that you never thought about a […]
Picking a Safe Grill for Father’s Day
Father’s Day is coming up on June 17, and it’s time to buy dear old dad something that really shows him we care. One of the go-to gifts for any dad a shiny new grill so he can spend hours each summer doing something he loves: Showing off his barbecue chops for the whole neighborhood […]
Receiving Satisfaction After Reporting a Hazardous Product
We buy hundreds of products every year. In fact, according to an article on Investopedia, Americans spend around $15,000 to $16,000 per year on consumer goods. Most of the time when we purchase a product, we use it, then we either recycle, consume, or throw it away when we’re done with it. However, occasionally we will […]
Bike Safety for All Ages
Cycling is a great way to get exercise—and it’s also a fun pastime enjoyed by all ages. Cycling to work or school on nice days is an effective way to save money on gas and decrease your greenhouse gas emissions (a bonus for the environment). Although cycling is an enjoyable way to get exercise, it […]