There are many types of injury cases, whether an injury is due to a slip and fall, on the job injury, car accident, or many others, one of the most damaging is being involved in a trucking accident. If you consider that even a minor fall can cause a spinal injury, something as massive as a semi can really do some damage. While an average car or pickup truck may weigh in the range of 3000-4000 pounds, a semi-truck can weigh upwards of 80,000 pounds.
- 23% of semi accidents result in injury
- 63% of semi accidents occur on rural roads
- 83% of semi accidents occur on weekdays
- 74% of the time the semi was responsible for the accident
What Should You Do After A Truck Accident?
As with any other accident, you should immediately call 911. Even if you are ok and don’t immediately feel that you have been injured, it is critical to have emergency services at the scene to take care of any other injuries. On top of that, a majority of people that have been injured in an accident do not feel pain or discomfort until the next day, or several days later.
It may be a good idea regardless of how you feel to be seen by a medical professional after an accident, because the shock of the accident may mask some of the symptoms of injury. If you are well enough, it is also important to check on the other individuals involved in the accident. Your health and the health of others are critical above all else. If you find another individual is severely injured, you can alert the emergency services to make it a priority to see that individual.
How Can An Attorney Help Me?
Personal injury attorneys do not deal with only the accident, they are there as a resource for many helpful things. Most importantly is their network of medical professionals. Your injury attorney has been working with medical professionals for YEARS. If you are in need of treatment, your doctor needs to refer you to a surgeon, or whatever you need.
You can reach out to your attorney for some direction. Navigating through treatment, bills, insurance, and dealing with an injury on a daily basis can be traumatizing. An attorney can take a huge burden off of your shoulders by providing these services.
Some Tips
Accidents happen. No one wants them to but unfortunately, they are a reality that we all face. Luckily there are ways to reduce the chances of them happening. Always practicing cautious and defensive driving habits can help reduce these chances significantly. If you have been in an accident already, we are here to help!
Trucking companies and their drivers must comply with many Federal, State, and local regulations designed to safeguard other motorists on and off the road. Knowledge and experience with these complex regulations is critical to investigate tractor-trailer accidents. Fry | Goehring’s trial lawyers have investigated hundreds of these accidents and have helped those injured or killed by negligent trucking companies and their drivers to obtain the compensation they deserve. Let us know if we can help you.