Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Single Car Crashes with No Fault of the Driver

By: Fry | Goehring

Most car accidents occur when one car crashes into another one due to driver inattention, a sudden slow down on the highway, or an impaired driver. However, there are occasions when accidents only involve one vehicle—and these can be every bit as dangerous as a multiple-vehicle accident.

Typically, single-car crashes occur because a driver encounters something unexpected on the road such as debris that fell from the back of a truck, oil that’s spilled on the road, roadkill that wasn’t picked up in a timely manner, a tree, or other vegetation that has fallen across the road, a pedestrian or animal on the road that causes the driver tries to avoid hitting, a giant pothole or other types of road hazards, or a fallen power line.

While you might assume that only the driver is responsible for the damages in a single-car crash, but there are many scenarios where the driver may not be liable. Having a good understanding of the law can help protect you if you are ever in a single-car accident.

Let’s go over a few things you need to know about the single-vehicle accident.


Just like multiple-vehicle accidents, if a driver is behaving recklessly by driving too fast, driving distracted, or driving impaired, then it would be the driver’s responsibility for any damages to property, vehicles, or injuries.

For example, if you were driving while texting on your cell phone—which is illegal under Georgia law—and then your car spins out of control and causes you to run into a road median, then you would be liable for any damage.


Even if you are the most cautious driver you know, there are still some things that are out of your control. You can’t control, for example, someone swerving in your lane suddenly, which causes you to fishtail and crash. Although the other driver may not have hit you directly, they would still technically be liable for any damage.

Another common scenario where the driver would not be liable for damage in a single-car crash would be if the vehicle is defective. Vehicle manufacturers have an obligation to let the public know about any recalls for parts. When an accident occurs because of a faulty part or a poorly designed car, then the manufacturer may be liable for damages.

Have you been in a single-car crash in Georgia? It can be confusing and overwhelming to know what your next step is when trying to pay for any medical bills or damage to your vehicle. You’ll need an expert legal team to help you figure out how you can pursue any compensation and who is responsible for your accident. Call the Fry Law Team today at (404) 948-3571 to schedule a free legal consultation.