Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

¿Qué hacer cuando tu reclamación por accidente de coche es rechazada?

Qué hacer cuando tu reclamación por accidente de coche es rechazada

Enfrentar un accidente de coche ya es bastante estresante, y que tu reclamación de seguro sea rechazada solo agrava la situación. Entender por qué fue rechazada y saber qué pasos seguir a continuación son esenciales para asegurarte de obtener la compensación que mereces.  Comunícate lo más pronto posible con un abogado para saber qué puedes […]

Understanding Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

uninsured motorist coverage

Whether you are driving to work, going shopping, picking up your kids from school, or running errands in town, you are likely to run into motorists on Georgia roadways driving with little or no auto insurance. According to the Insurance Research Council (IRC), roughly one in seven drivers (14% of motorists) operated vehicles without insurance […]

I-75: One of Georgia’s Most Dangerous Interstates

I-75 accidents

Living in Georgia presents its own set of driving challenges. Georgia, like many other states in the U.S., is home to hundreds of car accidents that result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities every year. In a recent report, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) cited motor vehicle crashes as the second-leading cause of emergency […]

iHeartMedia : Fry | Goehring

Muy buenas noticias se vienen este año para celebrar nuestro aniversario de 10 años sirviendo a la comunidad de Georgia Ahora puedes encontrar Fry | Goehring en iHeartRadio, La Zeta FM 105.7. A lot of exciting news coming this year! As we celebrate our 10 year anniversary serving the community in Georgia. You can now […]

Bicycle Accidents in Georgia

As COVID-19 takes automobiles off the roads, there has been an increase in bicycle usage.  Bike sales in the USA have spiked to levels not seen since the bike boom of the early 1970s. We’ve shared guidelines on what to do if involved in a bicycle accident. Here’s a deeper dive into your rights if you […]

Safe Fourth of July Practices

The Fourth of July is undeniably one of the best days of the year in America. Whether it’s the hot dogs, the family get-togethers, or the impressive fireworks displays in our towns, the Fourth of July is something to look forward to every summer. As much as we love fireworks—we spend about $600 million on […]

Who’s Responsible for an Accident While Borrowing a Car

Most everyone has been in this situation: You’re hanging out with a friend and suddenly they need to run out for a second, and they ask to borrow your car. You toss them the keys. It’s no big deal to you; you trust them, their driving skills, and you’re certain they’ll return in a few […]

Are All Sunglasses Equal? National Sunglasses Day

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then we should probably take good care of them! The Vision Council agrees, which is why they started National Sunglasses Day to celebrate the importance of wearing sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. National Sunglasses Day occurs annually on June 27 and is […]

Documenting Nursing Home Care

There are few things in life more difficult than turning the care of someone you love over to another. When an elderly parent or grandparent requires special assistance that you cannot provide, you’re faced with the agonizing decision of placing your trust in a nursing home for a loved one’s well-being. Our nation’s aging population […]