Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Recreational Property Act Basics

Being able to go outside and get exercise in the great outdoors nearly year-round is one of the best things about living in Georgia. Because the weather is mild most of the year, it gives us great opportunities for biking, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities. Outdoor enthusiasts take advantage of all these warm, sunny […]

Injured by an Uninsured Motorist

A car accident is never easy to go through. Whether you walked away with minor cuts and bruises or your car was completely totaled, and you incurred major injuries such as head trauma or a spinal injury, car accidents have the ability to affect the way that you live your life. Car accidents are made […]

Medical Malpractice: When Trusting Your Doctor Goes Wrong

When we need medical care, we trust our doctors to be the ones we turn to for help with our injuries and illnesses. But unfortunately, doctors sometimes make mistakes too—and the consequences can be quite devastating for the patient. Unfortunately, the statistics for medical malpractice are staggering. According to the Center for Justice & Democracy […]

Pain and Suffering Defined

A car accident can be a devastating and life-altering experience. It can affect your physical health as well as your mental health. A car accident can prevent you from living the life that you were accustomed to—including working at your job, being able to play with your children, or even just having the same emotional […]

Personal Injury and the Letter of Protection

When a client has been injured and is seeking representation from a lawyer to pursue compensation for their medical bills, their lawyer might send what is called a letter of protection (LOP). A letter of protection is sent to a doctor or a medical provider to request that their client’s medical bills are held for […]

Dealing with Medical Bills After an Accident

No one can imagine the amount of grief and suffering that occurs after a car accident, especially if you have been severely injured. If you’ve had to spend several days in the hospital due to your injuries from the accident or had to go to a physical or occupational therapist to try to get your […]

Labor Day Outings: Stay Safe at the Park

Labor Day is the mark of the end of summer and is often combined with a huge celebration with family, friends, and a lot of food. Many families choose to head to the local park and rent a space so that they can properly celebrate the holiday by grilling out and playing a few games. […]

Help for Family Victims of Wrongful Death

It’s never easy when a beloved family member passes away unexpectedly, but it can be especially difficult when that loved one dies because of someone else’s negligence or ill will. Whether your loved one passed away due to a tragic accident or an intentional act like a murder, it can be difficult for family members […]

Shot at Work: How are Victims Compensated?

Unfortunately, today mass shootings can occur in a variety of public spaces from movie theaters to schools to the workplace. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workplace homicides rose by 2 percent in 2015, totaling 417 cases. Because of this uptick in workplace shootings, employers must have an emergency preparedness plan in place for […]

Slip and Fall: Huge Problem in Food Establishments

Enjoying a night out at a restaurant can be great—until you slip and fall on the floor due to a hazard you didn’t see coming. Restaurants are notoriously fast-paced work environments. There’s always food coming and going out to customers and inevitably there will be a slippery area due to a food or drink spill. […]