Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

How Best to Report Hazardous Road Conditions

Some road conditions are minor hindrances, but some are considered hazardous road conditions. When it comes to dangerous roads, there are certain ways of reporting the problem. When an accident occurs, is it easy to figure out who is to blame? In some cases, yes. In other situations, like accidents where hazardous road conditions are […]

Pain and Suffering: Determining Damages

The pain and suffering experienced from an injury can be devastating. No, you don’t have to just deal with that added trauma. You do have rights in this area. There may be compensation for pain and suffering, depending on the individual circumstances and conditions of your injury. It’s not necessary to deal with these injuries […]

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to See a Doctor After an Accident

It’s hard to know how your body will react to a car accident down the road, so to speak, when you are still experiencing it. And, depending on the severity, it can be difficult to determine just how significant your injuries are. Moments after an accident you have so much adrenaline pumping through your body, […]

Common Warehouse On-the-Job Injuries

If you work a physically demanding job, such as one where you work in a warehouse, there is always a risk for on-the-job injuries. You might work in labeling, inventory management, materials, or assembly. Maybe you’re packing orders, or you help load trucks and organize shipments. These jobs are an important part of supply chain […]

Motorcycle Accident Injuries that are Known to Have Complications

When you’re a fan of riding motorcycles, it can be hard to imagine any other way to travel. To a motorcycle enthusiast, there is nothing better than hitting the open road on a big bike. However, driving a motorcycle can be risky, if the motorcyclist isn’t taking the proper precautions to ensure their safety on […]

Premises Liability: Landlord’s Responsibility to Child Safety

There’s no place like home. And when you are at home, you should feel like you’re in the safest spot in the world, surrounded by those you love. This is why it’s especially frustrating to experience danger at home — because it can make us feel insecure in our own living space. When you are […]

Information to Get if a Pedestrian is Hit By a Truck

Walking is one of the greatest forms of transportation: It’s heart-healthy, it’s reliable and it helps you slow down and take in all the sights and sounds of your city. Living within walking distance of work, school, or neighborhood attractions adds to the livability of a place and helps connect communities. Unfortunately, a pedestrian is […]

Getting the Facts Right After a Slip and Fall

Slipping and falling may seem like it’s inconsequential — or at the very least an embarrassing incident — but it can lead to quite serious injuries, particularly for older people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), slipping and falling is the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for elderly individuals. […]

What Is a Business’ Responsibility When an Elderly Person Slips and Falls?

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over one million visits to the hospital emergency room each year due to slip and fall injuries. Slip and falls can be particularly hazardous for older people and are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). […]

Protecting Yourself from Food Borne Illnesses

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in six Americans becomes sick from food-borne illnesses every year. These food-borne illnesses are typically caused by bacteria and viruses, but they may also be caused by a parasite or harmful chemicals. Foodborne illness, or food poisoning as it is more commonly known, is […]