Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

The Top 3 Work Zone Accidents In Georgia

Repairing, improving, and building roads and bridges are essential for the State of Georgia. However, this means a lot of construction projects in various stages of completion all around the state, which can mean a higher risk of work zone accidents. Driving through a construction zone can be stressful or confusing for many reasons. There […]

Pain and Suffering: Physical and Emotional Scarring

Being a victim of an accident or personal injury can be a traumatic event. And sometimes, as a result, physical and emotional scarring can occur. The legal term for this is pain and suffering. Georgia law allows victims to recover money for pain and suffering, just like recovering money for medical bills, lost wages, and […]

Are Recovered Lost Wages Taxable?

After a personal injury, if it is serious enough, you may miss significant time from work, and perhaps even be unable to return to work. For many people, lost wages can be very difficult to bear financially. Especially if medical bills are piling up. There may be several reasons that accident victims miss work after […]

TBI Symptoms that Can Be Overlooked

There are numerous stories that have been turned into urban legends of people surviving catastrophic accidents without as much as a scratch. The thing is, many of these stories are grounded in truth, albeit exaggerated for dramatic effect on the part of the storyteller. In 2014, a man in Melbourne, Australia survived after falling 14,000 […]

Going Back to Work with a Back Injury

If you have suffered a back injury and intend to return to work, it is important to understand your rights and what an employer can do to help you transition back into the workplace. Although earning a living is critical, so is ensuring that recovery from a back injury is considered when returning to work. […]

Workers’ Compensation Made Simple

If you suffer an injury at work and it is deemed you can receive compensation, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. Upon receipt of worker’s compensation, you will receive medical benefits, rehabilitation support, and supplementary income. The purpose of worker’s compensation is to help the injured party in their return to work. If a […]

Nursing Home injuries: Getting Access to Records

When you place a family member in a nursing home, you do so with the expectation that he or she will receive adequate care, respect, and dignity. It is always a tough decision but often the right thing to do when there is nobody to provide the level of care needed at home. In most […]

Getting Your Medical Records When You Suspect Medical Malpractice

Your medical records will play a pivotal role if you decide to pursue a medical malpractice claim. Medical professionals are obligated to record their actions according to established protocols in many instances. If there are discrepancies or evidence that supports your claim, it is important to obtain copies of those records. The Georgia Composite Medical […]

Premises Liability: Am I Liable to Trespassers?

If you own or control premises and an individual suffers harm while on those premises you may be liable for any damages or injuries. The question of negligence is very important when it comes to premise liability. The defendant may have duties to the plaintiff; and if he is found to have been negligent in […]

Slip and Fall: Business Responsibility for Sidewalk Maintenance

If you have had a slip and fall accident on a sidewalk that is maintained by a business, you may have a case for claiming compensation. The business or insurance company may try to use the defense that the defect was obvious and avoidable; however, it is not your responsibility to observe every inch of […]