Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Possible Delayed Injuries In a Slip and Fall

Slipping and falling on someone else’s property can be a serious liability and the business or property owner may be held legally responsible for damages. There are many conditions that can lead to a “slip and fall” injuries, such as torn or uneven carpeting, inadequate lighting, stairs that aren’t up to code, a wet floor, […]

How Pain and Suffering Lawsuits are Calculated

No one expects to get into a life-altering accident—whether it’s a car accident, a slip and fall accident, or another personal injury. But if and when it does happen to you, you always want to ensure that you are being fairly compensated by the person or group who is at fault. “Pain and suffering” in […]

Understanding the Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Losing a family member is one of the most difficult things we can go through, especially when that beloved person died due to the negligence or recklessness of another party. When that loved one dies, we want to ensure that justice has been sought and that we fully understand what happened and that hopefully it […]

The Symptoms of Blast Force Brain Trauma

In a matter of seconds, your life or the life of a loved one can be altered with a blast force brain trauma. A blast force brain trauma is caused by an explosion. According to, a blast injury “feels like being hit by a wave and then being pulled back into the ocean — all […]

Is There New Hope for Spine Injuries?

Spine injuries are typically characterized by a loss of feeling in extremities, diminished capacity of normal bodily functions, or worse, paralysis. Complete damage to the spinal cord is considered irreparable. That may change, thanks to the research behind a medical trial in Sydney, Australia. HOPE FOR SPINE INJURY VICTIMS A nascent medical technology known as neuromodulation promises […]

Is A Burn Injury Worth Going To Trial?

According to the American Burn Association’s Burn Injury Fact Sheet: “Today, 96.7% of those treated in burn centers will survive. Unfortunately, many of those survivors will sustain serious scarring, life-long physical disabilities, and adjustment difficulties.” Burn injuries can be devastating. Skin tissue is permanently destroyed or scarred. Disfiguring burns change people’s lives forever, causing untold emotional […]

Methylene Chloride Poisoning: Why a Mask is Not Enough

Dichloromethane, or methylene chloride, is a chemical frequently used in such solvents as paint stripper. It is highly toxic when inhaled and exposure can be fatal within minutes. Products containing methylene chloride are sold in retail stores for home use, as well as being widely used commercially. THE RISK OF METHYLENE CHLORIDE POISONING In the […]

Fires In Nursing Homes: What’s the Legal Standard of Prevention?

Electing to place a loved one in the care of a nursing home is a painful choice for anyone to make. That decision merits confidence that the facility you choose will provide a safe and supportive environment. One major safety concern is fired in nursing homes. When assessing the fire safety of a nursing home, […]

What to Do When Companies Sell Contaminated Food

The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta reports that 1 in 6 Americans each year become ill from contaminated food ingestion. According to the Georgia Poison Center: “Food poisoning/foodborne illness occurs when food contaminated by bacteria, parasite, or virus is eaten. Symptoms include upset stomach, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and dehydration.” CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF FOOD […]

Wrong Pill at Pharmacy

Millions of Americans take prescription medications every day. They place their trust in the doctors who prescribe them and the pharmacies that fill those prescriptions. In the vast majority of cases, they get it right. The proper medication is dispensed at the correct dosages. When a prescription is filled with the wrong pill, however, the […]