Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

The Top Slip and Fall Injuries

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over 1 million visits to the hospital emergency room each year due to slip and fall injuries. Slip and falls can be particularly hazardous for older people and are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). […]

Filing Suit After a Train Derailment

Train travel can be so relaxing. Unlike the hustle and bustle of airports, it’s relatively easy to book a ticket, climb aboard, and enjoy the scenery while you wait to get to your destination. When you board a train, whether for your daily commute or on a trip, you don’t ever think the worst: that […]

Burn Injury Recovery

According to the American Burn Association, there were 486,000 injuries that required medical treatment in 2016. Burn injuries can be caused by a variety of things such as residential fires, vehicle crash fires, and faulty products, and they can cause anywhere from minor injuries to the top layer of skin to third-degree burns that damage all […]

Uber Accident: Who Handles What?

Ridesharing has become an increasingly popular way to get around. Many use it as their preferred transportation when traveling to a new city on vacation, as a safe way to get home when they’ve had too much to drink, or as a way to get a lot of groceries home when they live in a […]

Questions Everyone Should Ask at The Emergency Room

No one ever wakes up in the morning and expects that they’re going to end up in the emergency room. However, if you get into an accident or have sustained serious or life-threatening injuries, you’ll want to be prepared not only for the recovery, but also for the huge amount of information that you’ll be […]

Brain Injury Helplines

Head trauma and brain injuries are one of the most complicated injuries to identify and can also be the most serious. If you or a loved one has had an accident that’s resulted in a brain injury, it can be tough to know what your next move should be. Thankfully, there are several brain injury […]

Life After A Spinal Cord Injury

It’s estimated that there are over 200,000 Americans who live with spinal cord injuries, which is life-changing for the individual who’s affected as well as their whole family. A spinal cord injury can be devastating for not only a person’s physical health but also their mental health. A spinal cord injury can cause permanent changes […]

4 Questions To Ask Your Doctor After an Auto Accident

If you ever talk to someone after they’ve been in an auto accident, they’ll likely say “it was all a blur.” Car accidents happen quickly, and it’s often difficult to figure out exactly what happened or even how and where injuries occur on our bodies. Even if you feel relatively normal, it’s important to go […]

The Injury Prone Workplace

Even though we are living in a digital age where many of us are sitting at desks working at computers, we still have an injury-prone workplace. According to an article in Fortune, there were 3 million people who had an employer-reported illness or injury in the private sector in 2015. An on-the-job injury can occur in […]

Motor Vehicle Collision Injury Symptoms: More Happens Than Meets The Eye

Being involved in a car accident is a pretty horrifying experience. No matter how big or small, vehicle accidents can cause both mental and physical scars, which can take anywhere from a few days to years to heal from. In the aftermath of an automobile collision, survivors are frequently unaware of the extent of their […]