Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Texting While Driving: Not Worth It

Texting and driving is incredibly dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving killed 3,460 people in just a year 2016. While it may seem harmless to send a quick text to your friend saying that you’re on your way or responding to a funny gif that they sent, texting can take […]

Who Is Responsible in a Pedestrian Bridge Collapse?

Bridge collapses, while rare, do happen occasionally—and when they do, they can be catastrophic. In March 2018, there was a pedestrian walkway collapsed in Miami, Florida that caused several deaths as a result of the accident. The bridge named the FIU (Florida International University)-Sweetwater pedestrian bridge, was built to withstand the force of a hurricane. […]

Finding the Right Doctor After an Accident

No one ever expects that an accident will happen to them. Even the most cautious drivers have the potential to be in a car accident at any moment due to another driver’s neglect or inattention. While we hope that you never have to be in that situation, the best and only way to recover from […]

Autocycle Accidents

You may have seen an autocycle on the street without knowing what it really was. It is kind of difficult to nail down a definition, but by and large it’s a three-wheeled, enclosed vehicle that is a combination of a motorcycle and a car. They have a steering wheel, a seat for the driver, and […]

How Long Do Most PI Cases Take?

When you are involved in a personal injury case (or considering taking one on), one of your questions will likely be, “How long will this case take?” The answer is, of course, that it depends on all sorts of factors. However, if you’re injured and continually getting bills for your medical procedures, physical therapy, or […]

Brain Injury Rehabilitation

A brain injury can be life-altering for both the patient and the patient’s family members. A brain injury can affect every part of your life—from mobility, speech, and of course, thinking capabilities. According to the Center for Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) affects 1.5 million Americans each year. Brain injuries can be very […]

Determining Fault with Auto and Bicycle Crashes

The popularity of cycling is on the rise, and it’s likely that you’re starting to see an increased number of cyclists out on the road commuting to work, riding for exercise, or simply just riding for pleasure. Cycling is a terrific way to get your heart rate up and it’s an eco-friendly way to travel—but […]

Is Drinking and Boating Illegal?

Going out on the boat during the weekends is such a fun way to get some sunshine, ride some waves, and hang out with your friends and family out on the water. It’s also customary for some boaters to have a drink or two, especially when fishing out on the lake. What you may not […]

Does Insurance Cover Boat Injuries?

There’s nothing better than a sunny summer day out on the lake with all your friends and family. Whether you like to fish, go tubing, or simply enjoy being out on the water, a boat is a great way to relax and enjoy the lakes on the weekends. But before you take that shiny new […]

Trampoline Injuries and the Homeowner

Trampolines can be such a fun fixture of a family backyard. They allow children (and even parents sometimes) to get exercise and can be a big hit at birthday parties. Trampolines are also a much cheaper option than expensive playground equipment that can run into the thousands. But, unfortunately, trampolines can also be dangerous. According […]