Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Rear-end Collision: Whose Fault is It?

A rear-end collision is one in which one car crashes into the back of another vehicle. It is most often the fault of the driver who crashes into the back of the other vehicle, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, there may be some scenarios where the front driver may be at fault. […]

Hit and Run Compensation in Georgia

It’s never easy to deal with the aftermath of a car accident, but it can be especially difficult to know what to do after a hit-and-run accident. And it looks like hit-and-run accidents are on the rise: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that the number of fatal hit-and-run accidents rose from 1,274 in 2009 […]

Seeking Help After a Catastrophic Injury

No one can ever predict when an injury from a car accident, a slip and fall accident, or using a faulty product will impact their life forever. Suffering from a catastrophic injury can change a person’s entire life—from their ability to work to their ability to take care of themselves to losing their mental and […]

Finding an Attorney Who Understands Your Case

It’s always important to find the right professional for all the needs in your life. Whether you’re looking for a dentist, a doctor, or a florist, it’s crucial to do the proper research and find the right fit for you. But what about when you’re trying to find the right attorney? Not only does the […]

Fatal Hospital Staff Errors

When we go to the hospital for an illness or when we’ve been in an accident, we expect that there is a level of professionalism and care that we receive so that we can heal and go back to our normal lives. Although you may think that the safest place to be is in the […]

Common Burn Injuries

The American Burn Association (ABA) estimates that 500,000 people receive treatment for burn injuries in the U.S. every single year. Although burn injuries have a survival rate of 94%, they can still be devastating injuries to go through. A burn is what happens when your body tissue gets damaged—and the severity of the injury can […]

Filing a Wrongful Death Case in Georgia

Death is always difficult to handle for any family member or friend of the deceased, but when someone’s death was caused by another person’s negligent, reckless, or intentionally harmful behaviors, there is a chance that it could result in a wrongful death lawsuit. A wrongful death case is a civil action that is brought into […]

Back Injuries from a Rear-end Collision

The National Transportation Safety Board reported in 2012 that there were 1.7 million rear-end crashes that injured 500,000 people and resulted in fatalities for 1,700. While you may not think that a rear-end crash is serious, they can be seriously dangerous for drivers and passengers—even when traveling at relatively low speeds. A rear-end collision is one of […]

Brain Injury Recovery Rate

A brain injury is a devastating diagnosis and can sometimes be difficult to manage. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, there are two types of acquired brain injury (a brain injury that is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or induced by birth trauma): traumatic brain injury causes and non-traumatic brain injury causes. A traumatic brain […]

Trip and Fall Claim Filing Tips

It happens to nearly everyone: tripping and falling. Although most of us can shake it off as just another embarrassing moment, for many a trip and fall can be life-threatening or even deadly. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over 1 million visits to the hospital emergency room each year because of […]