Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Avoiding Bicycling Accidents

Cycling is a fantastic way to get fit, enjoy the great outdoors, and is a more environmentally friendly way to get around town, but it doesn’t come without its risks. Cyclists must watch out for drivers who may not be paying attention and they must also obey special traffic laws that keep them safe and […]

The Four-Way Stop and Auto Collisions

The four-way stop is supposed to provide convenience and safety, but it can often be confusing for many drivers, which can lead to accidents. Intersections are some of the most dangerous parts of the street and are commonplace where accidents occur. When two or more vehicles are involved in an accident due to a four-way […]

Tractor-trailer Driver Asleep at the Wheel

Every time you get on the road, you have a minimum expectation that everyone is paying attention and doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, which is why accidents occur. You would expect a tractor-trailer driver to be extra attentive and alert while they’re on the road due […]

When To File A Wrongful Death Suit

The passing of a family member is always a painful experience, but when they’ve died due to the negligence or malicious intent of another person, you’re dealing with grief that was preventable. When your loved one has died as a direct result of someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentionally harmful actions, then you might be […]

Handling Medical Bills After an Accident

Whether you have life-threatening injuries, or you have a few bumps and bruises, it’s always a good idea to seek out medical attention right after a severe car accident. Internal injuries could take up to a few hours to present themselves, so it’s best if a doctor examines you so you can ensure that you’re […]

When To See An Attorney About On-the-Job Injuries

Even if you don’t have a job where you’re doing physical labor or using heavy-duty equipment, everyone who has a job—even a desk job—has the potential to incur on-the-job injuries. About 3 million people had an employer-reported illness or injury in the private sector in 2015, and injuries while at work can happen in a […]

Safety Tips For Motorcycle Passengers

There’s nothing like hitting the open road on a motorcycle—but it’s even better when you have someone to share it with. When you have space for a passenger on your motorcycle, it makes the ride more enjoyable, especially when you’re headed to a fun destination. When you ride with a passenger who may not be […]

How To Recover Lost Wages After An Accident

Over 2 million people are injured every year in car crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Car crashes are caused by everything from drunk drivers, inattentive drivers, hazardous conditions, and overall driver negligence. Sometimes injuries resulting from a car accident can be so devastating that they can physically prevent you from working, […]

What Constitutes Pain and Suffering?

You may have heard the phrase “pain and suffering” before, but what does it actually mean in a legal context? When you’ve been injured as a result of a car crash, motorcycle crash, or another type of personal injury like a slip and fall, sometimes the injuries and mental anguish it can cause can severely […]

The Top Slip and Fall Injuries

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over 1 million visits to the hospital emergency room each year due to slip and fall injuries. Slip and falls can be particularly hazardous for older people and are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). […]