Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Pain and Suffering: Emotional Stress

ow can you fully calculate the cost of an accident? There is more to life than material property, after all. If you have been involved in an accident there is a legal definition for some of the non-economic losses you may incur. Pain and suffering describes general or non-economic losses (NEL) resulting from an accident. […]

Will My Auto Insurance Cover Lost Wages

Depending on the kind of insurance coverage you hold, your policy may cover you for wages lost as the result of an accident. It is also important that the claim is filed correctly with all relevant information provided to the insurance company. More importantly, you should pursue any avenue available to you when an accident […]

The “EAGLE” – Fry | Goehring Symbol

As clients and other attorneys enter our office, one of the most common questions we get is… Why all the Eagles?—what’s that all about? When I was a teenager, my Dad was always very motivated. Whether it was being proactive with his many activities as a Leader in our church, opening various businesses, investing in […]

Delayed TBI Symptoms

One of the dangers associated with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is delayed symptoms, many of which the injured party will not recognize as a sign of potentially serious health complications. A TBI injury can occur due to an accident where you hit your head on a hard surface. This type of injury can result […]

Back Injuries Caused by Seatbelts

It goes without saying that seatbelts have saved countless lives since their inception. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t suffer injuries in an accident when you are wearing one. In fact, it is often the case that a seatbelt contributes to the cause of injury in some way. This is especially true when it comes […]

Should a Nursing Home have a Backup Generator?

Trusting the care of a loved one to a nursing home can mean a few different things, depending on the resident’s specific needs. For some residents, living in a nursing home simply means a place to feel safe and provided for when family members are not able to provide that level of care. For other […]

How Long Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation?

When you are injured while at work, workers’ compensation can keep you afloat while you recover from your injury. However, like all good things, workers’ compensation will not last forever. There are limits on how long you can receive this benefit, which is important to know if you have a family, home or bills to […]

Suspicious Nursing Home injuries

Older relatives who have trouble with mobility or cognition may have accidents on occasion. These accidents, understandably, may result in injuries. When that elderly relative is a resident in a nursing home, ensuring that nursing home injuries are not the product of neglect or abuse is a valid suspicion to pursue. If you are concerned […]

Signs that a Hip Replacement May Be Grounds for Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is by no means an easy case to prove in many instances. Sometimes the signs of medical malpractice are subtle, and the patient may feel that his symptoms are consistent with expected results. However, if errors were made with your surgery it could result in complications that leave you partially incapacitated. Your mobility, […]

Premises Liability Examples

Premise liability is not the same across the board from a legal perspective. The circumstances of an accident and the types of accidents that a premises owner is responsible for are important factors to consider. There are common premise liability examples that may compel an injured party to consider hiring an accident lawyer. The following […]