Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

The 4 Main Injuries of Slip and Fall Victims

It may seem that slip and fall accidents are less dangerous than vehicle accidents, but they can cause significant injuries to a person and negatively impact their life forever. Depending on variables like age, weight, height, and more, the injuries they cause can vary to an extreme degree. Some people are lucky to come out […]

The Daily Life of a Personal Injury Attorney

Each day is different for a personal injury attorney. However, there are plenty of tasks that must be done each day to keep everything organized, and moving forward. Although each attorney may do a variation of the following phases, each one is critical to success. HERE ARE 5 PHASES OF A PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY’S DAY! […]

Where do Most Slip and Fall Accidents Occur?

It is a common misconception that slip and fall accidents primarily happen to senior citizens in hospitals or nursing homes. The truth is that people of all ages are involved in slip and fall accidents. The key is understanding how these accidents happen, and where to be extra careful. A general tip is to always […]

4 Ways to Drive Safely near Semi-Trucks

Semi-truck drivers are very diligent and safe drivers and are trained to operate their vehicles with extreme caution and understanding. Even when a truck driver is doing everything 100% correctly, there is still a chance that an accident can occur due to several factors. Driving defensively and paying attention to your surroundings is always a […]

5 Key Ways to Speed up Your Case!

There are a lot of moving parts involved in an accident case. As your attorney, it can be very difficult and time-consuming to track down all of the required documents, such as police and accident reports, camera footage, police footage, video recordings, photos, medical bills and records, health insurance, and more. Because of this, accident […]

Can Vehicle Maintenance Prevent Accidents?

Your vehicle is a complex machine that uses many different mechanisms to function. Keeping your vehicle well maintained is the absolute best way to help prevent vehicle accidents (if you are already a safe driver!) Vehicle maintenance can be expensive, and difficult to manage if you only have one vehicle. Although these are understandable reasons […]

5 Ways To Respect Motorcyclists

Many people drive motorcycles. Whether it is their main mode of transportation or just a fun weekend recreation, they deserve just as much respect on the road as anyone else. Unfortunately, due to their small size and lack of the safety features of larger vehicles, accidents involving motorcycles tend to be more damaging to their […]

How 5 Simple Tricks Can Prevent Injury During A Fall

It is estimated that around 8 million Americans are sent to the hospital for fall-related injuries each year.  But did you know there are ways to minimize or even prevent injury when you take a spill? Sports, skateboarding, scootering, jogging, and walking are just a few actives where hitting the ground is common.  Professionals in […]

Will Bankruptcy Harm My Injury Case?

Financial hardship is one of the most stressful things a person can go through, even more so if you have also been injured in an accident alongside it. So if you have to file bankruptcy, how can you be sure that the compensation isn’t lost in the process? Luckily we can seek out help from […]