Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

The Top Slip and Fall Injuries

By: Fry | Goehring

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over 1 million visits to the hospital emergency room each year due to slip and fall injuries. Slip and falls can be particularly hazardous for older people and are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Slip and falls can happen because of poorly lit areas, wet or uneven surfaces, weather conditions, nursing home neglect, improper training on the job, or faulty footwear. Slipping and falling on a surface can cause anywhere from minor scrapes and bruises to severe head injuries that can be fatal.

Here is a list of the top slip and fall injuries, and how to know when someone is liable for these injuries.


Slip and fall incidents can cause traumatic brain injuries and are the leading cause of brain injuries. Brain injuries can be anywhere from a minor concussion that will be fine after a couple of day’s rest to very severe injuries that cause seizures, cognitive function, or even death.


Hip fractures are very painful injuries, which are almost exclusively caused by falls. These injuries typically require surgery, long-term hospitalization, and an artificial hip.


Because of the impact in a slip and fall incident, there’s a potential risk of fractured vertebrates or slipped or herniated discs. Not only is this painful, but it’s also potentially life-altering: spinal cord injuries can cause paralysis as well as permanent neurological damage. This could mean large hospital bills, round-the-clock care, and thousands of dollars of lost wages.


Shoulder injuries are also another common occurrence in slip and fall accidents. If you fall on it just right, you can easily dislocate a shoulder. Although not as severe as a head, hip, or spinal cord injury, a dislocated shoulder will still require surgery and an extensive amount of rehabilitation to get full use of your arm again.


Sprains and fractures are also common after a slip and fall accident and are caused by the sudden and high impact of landing on the ground. This hard landing can cause someone to twist their ankle and break their bones.

Getting into a slip and fall accident can be life-altering. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries from a slip and fall incident in Georgia, contact the Fry | Goehring at (404) 948-3571. We can help you pursue compensation and understand your rights.