Pedestrian Safety Tips
Now that more people are going out for walks, bicycle rides, and other leisure outdoor activities, people should still take into consideration the potential for injury when applicable. We hear plenty about the different dangers of driving, but you rarely hear about the different dangers that affect pedestrians. Based on some statistics from the CDC, […]
Legal Eagles – Episode 1 – How Much Is My Case Worth?
EPISODE 1: Legal Eagles Podcast featuring Attorney Randy Fry of Fry | Goehring. In this episode, we discuss one of the most asked questions that clients ask – how much is my case worth? There are many variables, and it is difficult to give a case a value before several criteria are met. If you have any […]
Legal Eagles – New Podcast Announcement!
We here at Fry | Goehring are very excited to announce our new podcast: Legal Eagles! The legal world is interesting and ever-changing. This podcast will be our platform to discuss new policies and laws, case circumstances, and other topics within the legal world. We specialize in personal injury cases here at our firm, and […]
Are Pets Covered in a Wreck?
The Humane Society claims over 60% of households have a pet. Most consider their animals as part of the family so they are often included in outings and trips. People spend an estimated $41 billion yearly on pets, including healthcare. If your pet requires medical attention because they were riding along with you when an […]
A Trucking Accident Success Story
We represented a career truck driver in his 60s in a collision in which a sedan ran into the back of the client’s tractor-trailer, while both vehicles were in motion, on I-75. The insurance company argued that our client was not injured, because he did not seek medical treatment until the next week, and instead […]
Lawsuit Concerns Amid COVID-19 Closings
As the nation is taking measures to reduce and prevent the spread of the coronavirus, personal injury cases are still active. The Georgia court system is taking precautions to prevent unnecessary exposure to the virus. This includes removing all hearings that are not deemed essential from the calendar to be rescheduled. On a positive note, […]
The Stay at Home Order at a Glance
Staying home and reducing the spread of COVID-19 is more important now than ever before. As the transmission rate of COVID-19 is very high, one individual could cause many others to become sick just by being near them. The STAY AT HOME ORDER is a great weapon against the transmission of the virus, but what does the […]
A Message From Randy Fry About COVID-19
A message from Randy Fry, Founder/Owner of Fry | Goehring, to our current and future clients regarding the current Covid 19 challenges. As always, we have no doubt America will rise to this occasion, and this too shall pass.
Our Office Is Prepared – A Coronavirus Update!
With coronavirus becoming more prevalent in our communities, we at Fry | Goehring want to inform both our current and potential new clients that we will be operating during this time. We have systems in place to allow for an easy transition to operating even if our physical office closes. Here are some of the […]
Insurance Sponsored GA Senate Bill 415 Raises Concerns
I am concerned about a bill working its way through the Georgia Legislature. GA Senate Bill 415 aims to limit lawsuits against big insurance companies. This means those who are in an accident due to the negligence of others may find it harder to get the compensation they deserve. At Fry | Goehring, it is […]