Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Featured Pet – Kimberly and Leo

National Pet Parents Day is the last Sunday in April. It recognizes pet parents who go the extra mile to care for their fur babies. From now until the end of April, we’ll feature some Fry | Goehring team members and their pets. Senior Trial Attorney Kimberly Mowbray found herself in need of a new […]

2021 Early Success Stories

…Two other law firms were not able to assist her before we stepped in… Our firm represented a school teacher that was in a theater watching a movie with her family. As our client sat down in her chair, the sharp frame of the chair, which was not properly covered, cut and deeply wounded her […]

Wrongful Death in a Pandemic

Wrongful death is difficult no matter the time or circumstances, but during a pandemic wrongful death cases can be even more difficult to handle both emotionally and legally. Generally, a wrongful death case occurs when an individual loses their life due to the negligence of another – that could involve a vehicle accident, workplace accident, or a […]

Sharing the Love on Valentine’s Day

During this event, we were honored to help distribute 250 produce boxes 40lb each, hot meals, swag items, and provide free COVID testing. Another highlight of the day was our raffle providing tablets to children who need help attending school remotely. According to Mr. Fry, founder/owner of Fry | Goehring, “we love spending time at […]

Congratulations Mr. Fry – Elected AJMLS Alumni Board of Directors Chair!

Congratulations!  Attorney Randy E. Fry is the newly elected Chair of the Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School (AJMLS) Alumni Association Board Of Directors. The AJMLS board consists of attorneys, judges, and executive officers in all areas of practice, and was selected by a committee focusing on factors such as range of practice, graduation date, previous board experience, […]

iHeartMedia : Fry | Goehring

Muy buenas noticias se vienen este año para celebrar nuestro aniversario de 10 años sirviendo a la comunidad de Georgia Ahora puedes encontrar Fry | Goehring en iHeartRadio, La Zeta FM 105.7. A lot of exciting news coming this year! As we celebrate our 10 year anniversary serving the community in Georgia. You can now […]

Surprise Medical Bills & House Bill 888

Two huge bills, Senate Bill 359 and House Bill 888, have passed to protect the financial well-being of people that use healthcare services in Georgia. Before the twin bills, recipients of healthcare were likely to receive “surprise medical bills” with little to no ability to avoid them. A surprise medical bill would be seen when […]

Legal Eagles – Episode 5: What Really Happens at a Jury Trial

EPISODE 5: Legal Eagles Podcast featuring Attorney Randy Fry of Fry | Goehring. In this episode, we pull back the curtain to discuss what really happens at a jury trial. Spoiler alert, it’s different than portrayed in TV shows. If you have any questions you would like answered, please contact us through our website or the following […]

Success Stories 2020

Success Stories Our firm recently represented a senior citizen that had been hit by another driver that was not paying attention.  Our client initially represented herself, without the assistance of an attorney.  The insurance company, after a year of “investigating”, offered nothing for the injuries sustained. Our Firm took over and vigorously represented our client, […]

What Should I Do if I’m Hit by a Drunk Driver?

The holiday season is filled with many great things like holiday-themed foods and beverages, lights and decorations, family, friends, and good food. The holidays are also a time that many people increase their alcohol intake. Of course, when done responsibly this is just another fun aspect of the holidays, but there are those who are […]