Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Slippery Floor at Work

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, slips, and falls account for the highest number of lost workdays. Slippery floors in the workplace are costly to both employer and employee. There is the cost to the employer of higher insurance premiums, lost productivity, and training replacement workers; and for the employee, medical expenses and lost wages. […]

Distracted Truck Driver Accidents

Distracted driving is an increasing traffic safety issue on American roads, nowhere more so than in the metro Atlanta area. The potential injury and damage that large trucks can cause make distracted truck drivers an especially hazardous problem for motorists. INATTENTION TO THE ROAD PUTS OTHER DRIVERS IN DANGER Combine the volume of traffic in […]

Are Back Seat Restraints Required?

Most Georgia motorists recognize how state seatbelt laws apply to the driver and adult front seat passenger of a vehicle. The question of whether any other passengers need to be strapped in maybe a bit murkier for some, especially as it pertains to liability or insurance purposes. So, are back seat restraints required in the […]

Navigating the Workers’ Compensation System

The state of Georgia requires any employer with three or more employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance provides medical treatment, income, and other benefits for employees who have been injured on the job. Workers’ compensation coverage begins from the first day on the job, but receipt of benefits is not automatic in the […]

Documenting Nursing Home Care

There are few things in life more difficult than turning the care of someone you love over to another. When an elderly parent or grandparent requires special assistance that you cannot provide, you’re faced with the agonizing decision of placing your trust in a nursing home for a loved one’s well-being. Our nation’s aging population […]

Defining Reasonably Safe Premises

One of the most common personal injury case scenarios is when a victim becomes injured while visiting someone else’s property. The premises may be a private home or a business, and, as a guest or a customer, you have a reasonable expectation for that environment to be safe. How does the law define what constitutes reasonably safe […]

Slips, Trips and Falls at The Market

The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season bring hordes of holiday shoppers to Atlanta stores. It’s a time of year that combines busy crowds with wintry conditions, which can sometimes lead to slips, trips, falls, and bumps in the marketplace. Store employees are often too busy with the holiday rush to stay on top of their […]

Occupational Diseases vs The Statute of Limitations

Some occupations place employees at risk of contracting certain illnesses due to the nature of their work. The job duties in these occupations expose workers to conditions or materials that put them at a greater risk of specific illnesses than the public at large. When they are determined to be work-related, these illnesses may be […]

4 Basic Entitlements When Injured at the Workplace

An on-the-job injury that puts you out of work can be doubly devastating. The loss of income coupled with the cost of medical care is a tremendous burden for the average Georgia family. Fortunately, the law provides for such workplace injuries to prevent undue hardship in the event you are injured in the workplace. WORKERS’ […]

Boating And Water Accidents Are Also Considered Personal Injury

As the son of a 2-Star Navy Admiral, I grew up taking many family trips that involved the ocean and water due to my Dad’s Navy career. For many years as a child and teenager during the summer months, while Dad was involved in various Navy training exercises, our family would tag along and play […]