Rainy Day Motorcycle Safety Tips
While you should always be careful when riding your motorcycle, you should especially pay attention when it’s a rainy day. Inclement weather can pose challenges to you out on the road, and you should heed caution when you’re driving. Here are a few motorcycle safety tips when it’s raining outside. HAVE THE RIGHT RAIN GEAR […]
Nursing Home Abuse Hot Lines
When you have an elderly family member who is in the care of a nursing facility, you assume that they’re being taken care of properly—but unfortunately that’s not always the case. If you suspect that your loved one is being physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially abused by any of the staff at their nursing home, […]
Tips for Pedestrian Safety
According to a 2017 article on NPR, pedestrian fatalities increased 11 percent in 2016, totaling nearly 6,000. This number is alarming not only because it’s the largest single-year increase in pedestrian fatalities ever recorded, but also because we haven’t seen this many pedestrian fatalities in over two decades. A number of things are contributing to this […]
Finding The Right Rehabilitation Center
When you’ve been severely injured in an accident, your physical and occupational rehabilitation is key for you to be able to manage pain, improve stamina, learn how to do tasks again (or learn an alternative way to achieve them), and in general, get a great support team behind you. But how do you know which […]
Should One Get a Second Lawyer’s Opinion?
You often hear about “getting a second opinion” when it comes to your medical appointments, but is it acceptable to get a second lawyer’s opinion when dealing with legal matters? The answer is, yes, it is acceptable to get a second lawyer’s opinion, and sometimes it may even be a necessity. When you work with […]
Brain Injury Helplines
Head trauma and brain injuries are one of the most complicated injuries to identify and can also be the most serious. If you or a loved one has had an accident that’s resulted in a brain injury, it can be tough to know what your next move should be. Thankfully, there are several brain injury […]
Life After A Spinal Cord Injury
It’s estimated that there are over 200,000 Americans who live with spinal cord injuries, which is life-changing for the individual who’s affected as well as their whole family. A spinal cord injury can be devastating for not only a person’s physical health but also their mental health. A spinal cord injury can cause permanent changes […]
What Is Intentional Tort?
Unless you went to law school (or you just like brushing up on legal terms), a lot of legal jargon can sound almost foreign to you. When you’re pursuing litigation—whether it’s for a personal injury case, a tractor-trailer accident, slip and fall incident, or a workers’ compensation case—it’s important that you understand your legal team […]
Georgia: At Fault or No-Fault State?
Georgia holds the number four spot for licensed drivers in the country—with nearly seven million drivers on the road. With more drivers, comes more traffic and an increased opportunity for automobile accidents. These seven million licensed drivers are required by state law to carry auto insurance to cover the expense of car repairs as well […]
What To Do When In A Train Accident
When we climb aboard a train—whether it’s to commute to work or travel somewhere for fun—we expect that our safety will be taken seriously and that we’ll get to our destination without incident. Unfortunately, train accidents do occur occasionally and can be serious. Train accidents are rare, but when trains derail or collide—or if you […]