Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Getting Compensation for a Slip and Fall Injury

There are over one million visits to the hospital emergency room each year because of slip and fall injuries, according to the National Floor Safety Institute. Slip and fall injuries can occur due to poor lighting, wet or uneven surfaces, inclement weather, or improper footwear. Although some people just view slipping and falling as an […]

Finding the Owner of the Dog Who Bit You

Dogs have been man’s best friend for a long time, but unfortunately, not every single dog loves every single human. Sometimes when dogs are sick, scared, or aggressive, they can attack humans and bite them while they’re out and about walking around in the neighborhood. A dog bite can cause anything from a flesh wound to […]

Victim Compensation in the High Pursuit Chase

High pursuit chases with the police may be exciting to watch on television, but when you’re experiencing one on the street in real-time, it can be quite a terrifying experience. With sirens blaring and the police and the suspect racing through the city streets, it can be difficult to know what the right thing to […]

Determining Fault at a Malfunctioning Traffic Light

When two drivers get into an accident, there is typically one driver who wasn’t paying attention or being reckless, making it easier to determine fault in the accident. But what happens if an accident occurs because of something the drivers couldn’t control, like a malfunctioning traffic light? How do you know whose fault it is […]

Seeing the Road from a Truck Driver’s Perspective

We all know that driving is such a big responsibility, which is why so much preparation and study is needed to master driving before you are given a driver’s license. You must pay attention to your speed and traffic laws as well as watching out for drivers all over the road before you change lanes, […]

Hit While Exiting the Car

Driving is never something to take lightly. You must make sure that you are doing everything you can to keep you and your passengers safe by following traffic laws, being attentive and checking for reckless drivers, and parking in a safe and legal area each and every time you need to go somewhere. But what […]

Top Road Construction Accidents

Driving is already dangerous enough, having to watch out for reckless or negligent drivers; adds construction and confusing detours because of the construction into the mix, and driving can get downright stressful. According to the Federal Highway Administration, 24,745 deaths occurred from 1982-2014 in work zone crashes (this is about 750 per year). The peak year […]

Avoiding Bicycling Accidents

Cycling is a fantastic way to get fit, enjoy the great outdoors, and is a more environmentally friendly way to get around town, but it doesn’t come without its risks. Cyclists must watch out for drivers who may not be paying attention and they must also obey special traffic laws that keep them safe and […]

The Four-Way Stop and Auto Collisions

The four-way stop is supposed to provide convenience and safety, but it can often be confusing for many drivers, which can lead to accidents. Intersections are some of the most dangerous parts of the street and are commonplace where accidents occur. When two or more vehicles are involved in an accident due to a four-way […]

Tractor-trailer Driver Asleep at the Wheel

Every time you get on the road, you have a minimum expectation that everyone is paying attention and doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, which is why accidents occur. You would expect a tractor-trailer driver to be extra attentive and alert while they’re on the road due […]