Bicycle Accidents in Georgia
As COVID-19 takes automobiles off the roads, there has been an increase in bicycle usage. Bike sales in the USA have spiked to levels not seen since the bike boom of the early 1970s. We’ve shared guidelines on what to do if involved in a bicycle accident. Here’s a deeper dive into your rights if you […]
Fighting the Chain Store After a Slip and Fall
We’ve all heard about the incidents and injuries that can occur during a Black Friday sale after Thanksgiving, but the truth is that shopping injuries like a slip and fall can happen at any time during the year. A common misconception is that a slip and fall injury is nothing more than an embarrassment to […]
Road Defect Motorcycle Accidents
Most of the time, motorcycle accidents occur when a motorcyclist isn’t paying attention or when another driver on the road fails to yield properly to a motorcycle. However, sometimes single-vehicle crashes can occur on a motorcycle just as they can with a car. Presumably, when you see a single-vehicle motorcycle crash, you assume that it’s […]
Can an Infant Get Cerebral Palsy from Medical Malpractice?
Facing TBI Expenses
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a contributing factor to a third of all injury-related deaths in the United States. In 2010 alone, there were 2.5 million people who sustained a traumatic brain injury. A severe TBI can greatly impact an individual’s life as well as their family. […]
Truck Fire Accidents
Big commercial trucks use a lot of fuel. All commercial trucks use diesel fuel, which is much harder to ignite than regular fuel. However, because these large trucks carry 100 gallons of diesel fuel at any given time, if this fuel is ignited it can cause large truck fire accidents. A truck fire accident is […]
Chain Reaction Crash Resolution
Most of us have been caught in traffic on the highway when there has been a multi-car pileup. These multiple-vehicle car crashes are often referred to as a “chain-reaction crash,” which is when three or more vehicles are involved in a series of collisions that’s caused by an initial single collision. Accidents like these can […]
Single Car Crashes with No Fault of the Driver
Most car accidents occur when one car crashes into another one due to driver inattention, a sudden slow down on the highway, or an impaired driver. However, there are occasions when accidents only involve one vehicle—and these can be every bit as dangerous as a multiple-vehicle accident. Typically, single-car crashes occur because a driver encounters […]
Georgia Auto Accident Statistics
Unfortunately, each year thousands of Georgians are hurt or killed in auto accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, Atlanta roadways are among the most dangerous in the country. In fact, in 2013, I-285 had the most fatal accidents per mile than any other interstate. Georgia was also the seventh-worst state in […]
Questions for a PI Attorney About a Big Truck Accident
Getting into an accident with a large commercial truck can be life-altering. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there were 4,311 large trucks and buses involved in fatal crashes, which was an eight percent increase from the previous year. In total that year, there were 415,000 reported crashes, and 83,000 of those resulted in […]