Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Medical Malpractice: Getting a Second Opinion

We trust our doctors to provide the best level of care — no matter if we have a mild case of the flu or we have a complicated and serious cancer case. The majority of Americans trust their physicians and are satisfied with the medical treatment they receive at their doctor appointments. However, there is […]

Premises Liability: Landlord’s Responsibility to Child Safety

There’s no place like home. And when you are at home, you should feel like you’re in the safest spot in the world, surrounded by those you love. This is why it’s especially frustrating to experience danger at home — because it can make us feel insecure in our own living space. When you are […]

Information to Get if a Pedestrian is Hit By a Truck

Walking is one of the greatest forms of transportation: It’s heart-healthy, it’s reliable and it helps you slow down and take in all the sights and sounds of your city. Living within walking distance of work, school, or neighborhood attractions adds to the livability of a place and helps connect communities. Unfortunately, a pedestrian is […]

Getting the Facts Right After a Slip and Fall

Slipping and falling may seem like it’s inconsequential — or at the very least an embarrassing incident — but it can lead to quite serious injuries, particularly for older people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), slipping and falling is the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for elderly individuals. […]

Accidental Ingestion of Button Batteries by Children

Children are naturally curious. They have a natural inclination to touch, taste, and smell everything they encounter as they learn—and, they love sticking things in their mouths when they’re little. Parents and guardians have the responsibility of teaching kids what is appropriate to eat and what isn’t, but sometimes kids can work fast, and things […]

Study Shows Parents Enforcing Distracted Driving Habits

It’s well documented that teens are one of the groups most at risk for distracted driving. Whether it’s texting, talking on the phone, or checking social media apps like Snapchat or Instagram, we are all aware of the dangers teens can encounter as they hit the road. Interestingly enough, a recent study shows teens aren’t […]

Motorcycle Collision Fatalities on a Constant Rise in Atlanta

Motorcycle enthusiasts love the way that their bikes allow them to experience the roads in a unique way than a typical passenger vehicle. But the unfortunate truth is that driving a motorcycle makes you 12 times more likely to be involved in a fatality accident than one just involving passenger cars, according to the Georgia […]

What Is a Business’ Responsibility When an Elderly Person Slips and Falls?

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, there are over one million visits to the hospital emergency room each year due to slip and fall injuries. Slip and falls can be particularly hazardous for older people and are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). […]

Can Lost Wages Ever Be Recovered?

If you’ve been in a major accident, no one can prepare you for how difficult life can be post-accident. While you may expect that you’ll need time for your injuries to heal, you might not have thought about how much time you would need to take off work to rest or attend physical or occupational […]

Protecting Yourself from Food Borne Illnesses

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in six Americans becomes sick from food-borne illnesses every year. These food-borne illnesses are typically caused by bacteria and viruses, but they may also be caused by a parasite or harmful chemicals. Foodborne illness, or food poisoning as it is more commonly known, is […]