Georgia Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Abogados De Lesiones Personales Atlanta

Fry | Goehring successfully helps the injured recover the compensation they deserve.

Settlement over twenty times the prior offer
We filed a law-suit, and shortly thereafter we obtained a settlement over twenty times the prior offer.
A driver that was illegally taking opioids
Our Firm helped a gentleman that was hit by a driver that was illegally taking opioids, which affected his driving. This caused serious injuries to our client. We had multiple depositions, worked with a toxicologist and other experts, and were ultimately able to obtain a very large, and confidential settlement, for our very deserving client.
Five times the initial offer
We received a referral case from another attorney. It was a hit and run case with a low offer, which is common for these types of cases. After our firm filed suit, we were able to take the case to mediation and settled for 5 times the initial offer.
Five times the initial offer
Following mediation, the insurance company ended up agreeing to pay 2.5 times the amount of its prior statutory offer of settlement to resolve the case and avoid a jury trial.
Recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount
We represented a very nice Hispanic lady that was severely injured when a thermos she was carrying blew up causing her eye damage. We spent significant time and resources on this case, and working with another Firm, recently settled at mediation for a confidential, but significant amount. Our client and her family were thrilled that we took the time, and the risk, to assist in this very serious matter.
Settlement over six times the previous offer
We recently represented a man that was bitten by a dog, that was not on a leash and not restrained as required by the applicable laws and ordinances. The initial offer to this gentleman did not even cover his medical bills. Our firm took over his case, and we secured a settlement of over six times the previous offer. We were happy to secure a great settlement for one of many dog bites cases that we handle every year.

Abogados De Lesiones Personales


Llámenos hoy mismo y le explicaremos sus derechos.

Estamos conscientes de los desafíos que las personas de habla hispana enfrentan al pasar por los típicos tribunales Norte Americanos. Nuestro personal habla español con fluidez y entiende las necesidades y preocupaciones de la comunidad de habla hispana, lo que nos ayuda a representarle más efectivamente.

Incluso para personas de habla Inglesa, puede ser extremadamente difícil de entender las leyes y sus derechos. Especialmente cuando el Inglés no es tu lengua Materna. Nosotros entendemos y queremos ayudar.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce ha sido lastimado en un accidente automovilístico llámenos hoy mismo y obtenga consultoría gratuita, sin ninguna obligación – estamos para ayudarte.

Llame hoy para su consulta gratis! (404) 969-1284.

  • Accidentes automovlìsticos
  • Accidentes en el trabajo
  • Accidentes de camion de transporte
  • Accidentes de tranvia
  • Lesiones por mordedura de perro
  • Lesiones de medula espinal
  • Muertes causadas por homicidios culposos
  • Accidents de peaton
  • Reclamaciones de mala fe dirigidas a companias asegurados
  • Accidents de motocicleta
  • Accidentes ferroviarios
  • Accidentes en parques de atracciones
  • Abuso
  • Responsabilidad civil de productos
  • Responsabilidad civil de locales
  • Accidentes y lesiones en lineas aereas
  • Pederastia y abuso sexual
  • Lesiones cerebrales
  • Lesiones maritimas
  • Abuso en asilos de ancianos
  • Quemaduras
  • Accidentes en barco

Llamenos hoy – (404) 969-1284.

Our Client Stories

Friendly and Professional
Michael Nelson
Good Law Firm in Helping You No Matter What
Darlene Mack
Extremely Helpful and Quick
Claudia Barret

Our Values

What Our Work Means


Free Consultations Available

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Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (404) 969-1284.
