The unfortunate truth is that tragedy can strike at any moment. One minute, everyone is busily going about their day and the next minute there could be a severe accident or a dangerous, violent person who is harming citizens in a public area. When a tragic accident or dangerous encounter occurs, we rely on our first responders to take quick action and take care of our injuries.
But how long does it take first responders to arrive at a scene? According to an article from Reuters, it takes, on average, about eight minutes for emergency services to come to the aid of citizens after they receive the initial call. For rural callers, that wait time can rise to about 14 minutes with 10 percent of patients waiting nearly 30 minutes.
When a person is severely injured, minutes—even seconds—matter and could potentially be the difference between life and death. Because these first moments after the initial injury are crucial, the White House started the Stop the Bleed program in October 2015, which was designed to help bystanders become trained to help injured citizens before professional help arrives at the scene.
Let’s learn more about what the Stop the Bleed program entails, and how you can help save a life!
First responders work so hard to keep the community safe—and they respond just as quickly as they possibly can, but bystanders will always be the first on the scene in an accident or a dangerous emergency. The White House began the Stop the Bleed program because they wanted to cultivate a grassroots effort to encourage these bystanders to be ready at any moment with training, equipment, and the empowerment to help in a bleeding emergency before the first responders arrive.
Trauma, according to a National Academies of Science study, is the leading cause of death for someone under the age of 46. This harrowing statistic is the reason behind creating this program and hopefully getting these numbers down.
So, how do you help? First, be sure that you are aware of your surroundings and move yourself and the injured person to a safe area before you begin helping.
After you secure a safe location, first find the exact location of where the bleeding is coming from on the injured person. Apply firm, steady pressure with your hands to the bleeding site with both hands. Second, apply a dressing and press firm, steady pressure to the bleeding site with bandages or clothing. Third, if the bleeding hasn’t stopped, apply a tourniquet(s) about 2-3 inches closer to the torso from the bleeding.
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